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Network Management Group and Individual Project - Essay Example

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I have got the project to manage and plan the Web Hosting Solutions regarding the implementation of the internet services for the Payland’s government three departments (DHSS, DWP, and Tax Office). I have to establish the intranet for the inter-department communication and…
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Network Management Group and Individual Project
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My aim is to design and manage this infrastructure in such a way that this network provides intranet facility to staff of the three departments and internet facility for information site for public. The intranet for the three departments will provide the access to staff only, with the ability to access and download files, with each department having its own section of the intranet. It is my responsibility to select such services and tools that are helpful in facilitating the overall management of this web hosting process.

I have conducted a detailed study for establishing Web Hosting Solutions for the Payland’s government. This report emphasizes on the quality of services for management of this project. Our team has got the project to upgrade the information services and web facility for the Payland’s government departments. In this project, I am responsible for the implementation and designing for the Web Hosting services for the given departments. We have to establish the department’s intranet that must be part of a whole company’s intranet.

I have decided to establish several levels of information access for the staff that will provide the different access rights to the intranet; all this includes the rights criteria to the network administrators and other employees. In this process, we are going to host the official governmental website in which, potential growth is strongly expected, so we have to reserve adequate web space available for the potential growth of sites. We also keep in mind the expected access intensity of this site because thousand staff members and general public will access our network so we have to be concise regarding the choice of the bandwidth.

Network security is also an important factor for this network so we have to incorporate the log in and network firewall facilities. So, it was a little background of my project, I have enlisted the main factors and requirements

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