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Moral and Ethical Dimension of German Bundestag - Essay Example

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The paper "Moral and Ethical Dimension of German Bundestag" begins with the statement that since the audience is the German Bundestag, it can be considered a mature group of individuals who are relatively well educated, well-traveled, and understand many of the concerns surrounding the issue. …
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The total number of the audience is more than 600 which means that there is a high level of diversity in the Bundestag. It contains men, women, people from different socioeconomic backgrounds as well as individuals who have varied religious or moralistic leanings. However, it is clear that their objective of being in the Bundestag is to bring improvements to society which means that whatever suggestion is given to them with regard to improving the situation of society is likely to be given a sympathetic ear.

Aside from this similarity, they are also professionals who work as career politicians and are likely to have families, children, mobile phones as well as involvements in social organizations in their localities. Furthermore, it can be expected that they are well aware of international laws and even the laws of other countries in the EU concerning cell phone use while driving and the penalties associated with the crime. In fact, it becomes rather easy to see that the audience could be well aware of the issues surrounding the debate and might even be willing to follow the laws which have been enacted by nations in the region in similar situations.

This makes the task of convincing them much easier since they can be shown data concerning how other countries have enacted the laws and what positive effects these laws have had on their motor safety. Further, they can be shown data from countries where mobile penetration is high yet there are no laws concerning the use of mobile phones while driving and how this affects the number of accidents on the roads. Moreover, they would also be pushed towards the point if they are told how a person’s situational awareness and ability to drive are affected while using a mobile phone.

Most importantly, the argument presented to the audience has to be given a moral and ethical dimension since that can go a long way towards showing them that what they are doing will be good for society and it will have a positive effect. Since their primary objective of being in the Bundestag is to help the development of society in a positive fashion, if the arguments support the positive development of society it is more likely to be accepted by the members of the Bundestag.

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