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Leadership Assumptions - Essay Example

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Leadership can be defined as a persuasive communication skill which inspires others to achieve a common goal. Educational leadership assumes special meaning because it…
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Leadership Assumptions
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Educational Leadership Assumptions Leadership is an integral part of human social behaviour which is intricately linked with the followers. Leadership can be defined as a persuasive communication skill which inspires others to achieve a common goal. Educational leadership assumes special meaning because it motivates and encourages students to become a responsible citizen while they are acquiring an educational qualification that would help them become financially independent. It is equally important that certain basic assumptions about the educational leadership qualities especially which relates to the individual approach of tackling issues and objectives, may create a vast difference to the results achieved.

Educational leaders are not pre defined and moulded into certain stature. They are people who may be in the position to influence and motivate students to give their best. Educators and school administrators both can take up the role of educational leaders because both of them have the capacity to wield considerable influence among the students and teachers alike so that they give their best. Good leadership teaches through self example. Students like to emulate persons who inspire them and are capable of instilling self confidence.

It is especially relevant in the context of multi cultural society where students learn to interact with each other without racial prejudice. They learn to develop attitude and behaviour which is conducive for a mutually benefiting and tolerant society. Educational leadership is a strong tool for promoting independent thought and actions with good analytical and rational approach towards issues and people thus facilitating and building a society which believes in peaceful coexistence in a multicultural atmosphere.

Good leaders build relationships based on mutual trust and confidence which is the main reason that changes are accepted with equanimity. Students learn to become good leaders through observation and imbibe qualities that help them to evolve as an individual with strong character. In the educational institutes, peer leadership promotes and develops, quality education with scientific temperament incorporating the needs of the changing time.School administrator as educational leader, helps create a congenial atmosphere of learning and encourages students and teachers alike to develop skills and knowledge base that would be mutually beneficial to them.

Students get effective learning environment and teachers are provided with a wider scope for professional growth in the area of core competencies. They are also responsible for advocating and nurturing a high standard of education while fostering a good relationship with the school community which includes the parents of the children.Last but not the least important is the fact that educational leadership has become extremely significant because the fast changing socio political environment has necessitated the incorporation of rapid improvisation in the teaching methodology as well as accepting the challenge of creating a cohesive and encouraging atmosphere.

Educational leaders facilitate the acceptance of the changes in a smooth manner. One can successfully conclude by saying that ‘within every school there is a sleeping giant of teacher leadership, which can be a strong catalyst for making change’ (Marilyn & Gayle,2001, p.2).ReferenceMarilyn Katzenmeyer, Gayle Moller. (2001). Awakening the Sleeping Giant: Helping Teachers Develop as Leaders. Corwin Press. 

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