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Pros and Cons of a Sporting Brand Image - Term Paper Example

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The paper "Pros and Cons of a Sporting Brand Image" focuses on the critical analysis of the impact of brand image and advertisement on consumers, the cost of advertisement which in recent times has escalated too much that the credibility of such input on marketing becoming questionable…
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Pros and Cons of a Sporting Brand Image
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Pros/cons of spending $4M for a Super Bowl ad In Brand image like in our case, ken turkey fried chicken,an advertisement and customer relations are crucial to boost any business performance, sells and sensitizing a brand. A brand image is a tool which when well managed can positively change people’s purchasing behaviors and advertisement is one of the main driving force for any firm .it’s an effective source to convey your information about the product and stay in consumers priority list when making a purchase. This research is based on finding the impact of brand image and advertisement on consumer, the cost of advertisement which in recent times has escalated too much that the credibility of such input on marketing becoming questionable. Last year the sport super bowl in the US had over 108 million viewers and the recent controversial use of $4 million on a commercial by a firm was making headings and any advertising firm would promise that such a figure would improve the brands image (Evans & Gerard 39). The sport super bowl has have a great media coverage and the same translates to the air play its gets plus the viewers it has. Research has shown that more that 30% of the viewers are interested in the commercials between the airplay of the sport than the sport itself. Commercials have become like part of the game rather than the norms considered as an interruption. The idea about using expensive advertisements and marketing techniques is a gamble because one can not be assured if the information will arrived to the intended destination who is the target customer but the gamble has one heavy side than the other. Advertisment has emerged as an important activity in marketing in the modern age of large scale production and serve competition in the market. Expensive marketing can be a great tool to ken turkey fried chicken brand and It performs the following functions: - Sales promotion: It boosts the sale of goods and services through creating awareness on the existence of the goods in the market and persuading the people to buy them. A good advertising strategy helps in securing new consumers in both the national and world markets. For instance in the clothing industry, a firm can purely base its marketing technique on the use of the internet and it can use video advert that are brokered by various marketing companies. Introduction of new product: It helps in bringing of new products in the market. Ken turkey fried chicken can register the availability of its new products in the market to the public through advertisement. A new firm cant make a change on the potential buying without the help of advertisement. Advertising allows for quick creation of public relations in the market. Formation of a good business image in the eyes of the public: It builds up the reputation of the advertiser.. Selling firms ensure the delivery of quality services they pledge during advertisement of the new brands. For example, Pizza producing Company A claims to deliver pizza within a certain period of time while Pizza producing company B claims to deliver most delicious Pizzas. This makes it simple for the consumers to choose a product of their preference and which brand to go for. It is also necessary for the products to satisfy the claims made in the process of advertisement in order to retain the Brand’s image (Mao 99). The primary drawback of advertisements done through TV displays is the high costs incurred during the process. Television adverts are very expensive in the sense that, the longer the advert the more expensive it becomes, while the shorter, the air plays the high the of the information not being efficiently conveyed. The cost also depends on timing that is, the time one chooses to telecast the products. Doing advertisements during prime time news is expensive than doing during a local programmed because of the viewership fun base tuned in. Payment should also be done anytime the advert is played by the media house. Despite of the high charges on the air-play rates, one also has to hire a team of experts who create the advertisement and in like the US super bowl firms like coca cola, Toyota and other big firms reportedly used a large budget than the cost of getting the airplay. In this case one needs to hire special personels to write the advertisement script, edit the video of the advertisement,to do the modeling or an advertisement firm. In a TV advertising script, a mistake rarely happens. If the advert needs to be changed, or corrected you will have to re-do the whole shoot since the information that should be conveyed should be perfect, entertaining and informational and this can be financially draining. Compared to print adverts, making correction is less costly and requires less time.( Padgett & Allen 103). For ken turkey to help is brand which is a tasty piece of chicken, it needs to invest in the marketing department which can either be direct marketing where we have direct contact to the customer or indirect marketing where the information is just left for the customer to read it from ma print source or audio vision. Ken turkey because of the nature of the brand all of the available affordable techniques can be applied. We can have a poster with photos of the pieces of chicken on it or we can have the more expensive television advert that can be of a script that has the information intended to be conveyed. One can use public image campaign that can help ken turkey fried chicken increase is publicity by first identifying the target which is the vibrant generation aged between 10-49 years. This age bracket is a computer literate generation and the use of digital marketing can be useful to our firm. I can create a website which customers can directly order for fried chicken or create pages on the social media with information about the brand. facebook, twitter (like the marketing technique by KFC on tweet for a scholarship) and instagram can serve as bases to show your offer like one can create an hash tag with a offer which when one social media uses the hash tag he/she can stand a chance of winning free pieces of fried chicken or a free dinner for two. (Brandau, 88) 2) Public relations campaign to further brand image The campaign for ken turkey fried chicken can have an offer that can use the customers as potential tool for advertizing where the firm can offer free printed t-shirt or cups for anyone buying a curtain number of pieces of fried chickens from any outlet. With both the pros and cons of expensive advertisement, you can decide if you’re up for it. Determine if it is really worthy using tons of money and if it is, then in what way can one develop a great concept. Although this is expensive to give free T-shirts, cups, umbrellas, or bag packs it will be effective because once a person appears in public with the label handouts the public will see and they will be interested with the information on it. CSR may entail many types of variety of tactics, from giving non-profit organizations a share of the companys profits, to delivering a product or service to a worthy buyer for any single sale made. Here are some of the divisions in which social responsibilities that ken turkey fried chickens can employ are put; Environment: One major concern of corporate social responsibility is the environment. Businesses, ken turkey fried chicken included have a large carbon footprint. The strategies they take to reduce the footprints are regarded to be good for both the company and society as a whole. Examples include everything put in place for curbing the problem of pollution in order to come up with solutions of clean energy. One wonder on how buying bottled water in the U.S. provide clean water in developed nations around the globe. Thanks to the organization of the ‘People Waters Drop for Drop’ , each sale the company makes per bottle assists in financing one of its global pure water projects, whether its constructing a new well, reinforcing a broken one or a water purification unit in an area affected by poor quality of water (Yüksel et al 66). To date, the individuals who have been helped by water give more than 5.7 million container of pure water to the affected people and ken turkey as a fast food enterprise can also work out giving people around the world food. Philanthropy: ken turkey fried chicken can practice social responsibility through giving an aid to the national and local charities. Whether it involves giving financial support or time, businesses have plenty of resources that can advantage the charities and local society programs. Ken turkey can choose to start and run a children orphanage or support an existing one where a fund to feed a specific number of children may be dedicated to that. Ethical labor practices: The companies can show their social responsibility through treatment of employees equally and ethically.. The latest App of social networking might have been established on the basis of sharing geo-tagged images to contact with people, but this startup assist one do better in posting a selfie. Throughout the year, conducts charitable campaigns where they offer a financial aid of $1 per site member when one uses their hash tag to post an image, #OnIsFun. For appreciation, the company inquires for the images of food and aid $522 to Feed the Starving Children. (Brandau, 88) Aiding a share of the sales to charity is also a good way of a good cooperate social responsibility (CSR). The gift of joy has put its spin on this approach, aiding 5 percent of each purchase to a listed charity of the consumer’s preference. But what makes this cause-centric trade centre really unique is the transparent follow-through it exhibits: Each charity has a "progress bar," and consumers can check back to view how much nearer their favorite causes are to accomplishing their financing goals Taking socially responsible initiatives applied for ken turkey fried chicken is a win-win condition. Not only will the producing firm appeal to the increasing number socially aware customers and employees, but one will also make a real change in the world. One should keep in mind that in CSR, transparency and honesty about an activity one does are very crucial to earning the publics trust (Yüksel et al 66) Work Cited Top of Form Bottom of Form Brandau, Mark. "Marketing." Nations Restaurant News, 48.1 (2014): 24.. Evans, W D, and Gerard Hastings. Public Health Branding: Applying Marketing for Social Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. Print. Mao, Huifang. Brand Referencing. n.p.: ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2006. Padgett, D. , & Allen, D. (1997). Communicating experiences: A narrative approach to creating service brand image. Journal of Advertising, 26(4), 49-62. Yüksel, Mermod A, and Samuel O. Idowu. Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Business World. , 2013. Internet resource. Read More
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