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Exploring Organizational Capacity for Change of the Dubai Government - Research Proposal Example

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The paper “Exploring Organizational Capacity for Change of the Dubai Government” is an excellent variant of research proposal on management. This chapter will focus on the existing literature regarding organizational capacity for change highlighting relevant scholars. Therefore, the explanation of all the parts, which are relevant to the organizational change, has been captured in this chapter…
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The paper “Exploring Organizational Capacity for Change of the Dubai Government” is an excellent variant of research proposal on management. This chapter will focus on the existing literature regarding organizational capacity for change highlighting relevant scholars. Therefore, the explanation of all the parts, which are relevant to the organizational change, has been captured in this chapter based on the theoretical stage mentioned in chapter one and which lead to the research rationale, assumptions, and conceptual framework.

In the introduction chapter Organisations in the 21st century are confronted with certain demands for change, whether in the Middle East or globally and  In every industry, companies face the challenge of responding to fluctuating situations and anticipating the continuously changing technology, the increasing competition, and the shifting economic and social conditions− to an extent in which change is the ‘new normal.’ Despite this deep-seated reality, however, the virtual emergence of managerial and research capability to conceptualize and empirically test change management practices and the successful change in organizations has remained feeble at best (Chirag 2009).

Studies have indicated that managers have become more comfortable with planned change since organizational leaders are becoming ever more proactive in managing change. Indeed, more managers are becoming increasingly competent in responding to external forces, in conceptualizing preferred future conditions, and in implementing subsequent plans to attain defined objectives. Therefore, change in the 21st century is viewed as being mechanistic and linear− and in some circumstances− a series of traumatic and discrete events that require constant control to ensure that an organization attains its objectives (Bryan 2011).

The onslaught of changes faced by a growing number of organizations has rendered carefully planned approaches to understanding organizational capabilities insufficient. Today, success in fast-changing environments calls for experimentations, innovativeness and the capacity to address unanticipated events and unplanned consequences that are often lacking in the region’s institutions (Greenhalgh et al. 2004). Essentially, companies are facing the test of sustaining continuous movement -- which may be inadvertently fast or slow within brief periods -- towards an increasingly uncertain future.

The subsequent sections review the literature, outlining the diagnostic view of multi-dimension capabilities in organizations that impact their capacity for change and serve the purpose of organizational development. Furthermore an argument on the relationship between OCC and OD with a particular concern for the context (region) and the sector (government sector).2.1 Relevant StudiesOrganizational change involves the management of realigning the organization to ensure that it meets the changing demands within the business environment such as improvement in service delivery, capitalization of various opportunities, underpinning business process improvement and technologies (Arefina 2015).

Change remains as one of the integral components in any rational organizations. The extent of dynamics involved in the modern work environment necessitates change. However, this concept has not been fully embraced in modern society. Debate exists among many scholars in regard to the need for organizational change especially in regards to improving work and service efficiency (Austin 1994). For example, there exists a varied perception of the need to embrace organizational change. Despite the debate existing on organizational change, a great concern exists in regard to organizational capacity for change.

The change process is systematic and only exists within the auspices of the organizational capacity to embrace and necessitate the change (Apostolou 2014).The different studies, such as Helmut (2014), Arefina( 2015), Burgess (1955) and Ingraham et al. (2012), carried out in the direction of capacity change provide various directives and process through which changes take place. Burges's (1975) pioneer study measured and clarified the role of management in organizational change capacity. It also opened management research into policy outcomes.

Burgess (1975) has highlighted the same as the ability of the business to manage its administrative and support functions through the use of the capabilities which the organization has along with its bottom-line assets. In the same study, it has identified four different types of resource capacity which are personnel, property management, information management, and financial capability. Furthermore, detailed information identified personnel that includes employee recruitment, human resource management, property management, and development and shared network and reporting plus financial capacity that outlines budgeting – to best facilitate each business function.

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