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Talent Leadership Model - Assignment Example

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In present days, organizations are well aware about the fact that they are required to possess the best talents for succeeding in the competitive and complex international economy. In addition to the understanding organizations are also required to properly administer the talents…
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Talent Leadership Model
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Mgmt Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Overview of Talent Leaders 3 Thesis ment 4 High Performance Talent Leadership 4 Talent Leadership Model 5 Explanation of the Model 7 Works Cited 10 Overview of Talent Leaders In present days, organizations are well aware about the fact that they are required to possess the best talents for succeeding in the competitive and complex international economy. In addition to the understanding about the number of talented people required to hire and retain, organizations are also required to properly administer the talents as one of the vital elements of business. Management of talents can further assist organizations in the attainment of the business goals. Talent management can be defined as a process that generally ensures that an organization has the quantity and quality of people in order to attain the current as well as future business priorities. It can be mentioned that talent management process tends to comprise all of the significant facets of an employment life cycle such as selection, training and development, succession as well as performance management. Talent management generally mandates human resource professionals as well as their clients to comprehend the way talent is defined, i.e. who should be regarded as ‘the talented’ and what should be the backgrounds of talented employees in an organization. In the context of talent management, talent leadership can be identified as the method of selecting and administering the performance of a particular team who assist in fulfilling the vision of an organization. It is quite significant for an organization to attract and retain the best talent in order to create the leadership pipeline. Organizations are further required to develop an efficient working climate so that they can generate higher productivity as well as requisite learning environment (Boudreau, “Strategic HRM Measurement in the 21st Century: From Justifying HR to Strategic Talent Leadership”). Thesis Statement Considering the talent management principles, the paper intends to propose a talent leadership model that can be successfully deployed by an organization for developing the performance. The objective of the paper is to describe various steps of talent leadership model and define how it can be beneficial for an organization to manage talents. High Performance Talent Leadership In order to grow and thrive in the current business environment, there is requirement for talent leadership, robust communication as well as effective performance management in an organization. The direction in which an organization grows is basically dependent upon the effectiveness of the leaders to manage the talented employees. High performance talent leadership generally focuses upon the altering role of the leaders in today’s 21st century business environment. Strategic talent leadership generally concentrates on the identification of new competencies for managers as talent leaders and the ways of executing high performance culture in an organization. Most of the organization in the present time has leaders at all the levels. Nevertheless, the best role that a leader can play in an organization is in terms of hiring, creating and retaining talented employees. The talent leaders can establish cycle of value that flows throughout the organization. They also constantly evaluate and align talents according to altering strategies and objectives of organizations and with the changing demands of customers. It is the duty of organizational leaders to identify new ideas in order to narrow the skill gap. Rather than being reactive, they tend to focus upon the growth of the skills of employees by considering the market demand. Talent leadership basically focuses upon determination of the hidden skills in an organization. It tends to have strategies through which just-in-time development of the employees can be deployed when needed (Ashford & DeRue, “Five Steps to Addressing the Leadership Talent Shortage”). Talent Leadership Model The talent leadership model below comprises of seven primary steps that can assist any organization to possess top talents. The steps have been demonstrated in the following figure: Figure 1: Talent Leadership Model Explanation of the Model The talent leadership model that has been represented above comprises seven logical steps. The first step is to assess the existing organizational talents. In this context, it can be stated that in the initial phase, an organization is required to identify the kinds of talents it requires and from where it can obtain them. In the first step, an organization is also required to determine if the existing employees are aligned with the organizational strategy or not. The second step of the leadership talent model is creation of feedback form. In this step, an organization is required gather reaction from the employees and conducts a SWOT analysis of its talents. It can help to determine the strengths and needs of the organization with respect to type of talents required for increasing the efficiency and for attaining the goals. The third logical step of the talent leadership model is creation of talents according to the requirements of organization that has been determined in step two. The third step attempts at answering numerous questions with respect to talents, such as the ways in which the organization shall develop top talents, the resources required to create top talents and the ways through which the resources are to be made available. It is in this context, the organization is required to make use of extensive pool of information from various internal or external sources. After the creation of talents in the third step, it is important for an organization to manage the performance of talents in the fourth step. The fourth step is based on performance evaluation where the organization needs to determine the results of their efforts made in the previous steps. This step aims at determining if the top talents are performing according to the goals as determined in the organizational strategy. The main focus of fourth step is on the results, values and behaviors of the staffs in relation to the objectives ascertained. Organizations not only gauge the performance of the top talents in this step, but also endeavor toward recognizing if the incentives or rewards are aligned with the performance goals. In case the performance of the talents is completely aligned with the goals of the organization then attempts should to be made for retaining them in the sixth step. On the other hand, if the performance is deemed as low with respect to the goals, then the organization is required to reassess the organizational talents in the seventh step. The above talent leadership model can assist any organization to maintain a pool of top talents effectively. The model represented above is different from that of other models in the sense that it permits an organization to properly administer the performance of the employees according to organizational strategy and objectives. It consists of additional steps such as reassessment of the organizational talent thereby offers the organizations with the scope of conducting a thorough review of their talents. The addition of this particular step of the talent leadership model tends to make it a powerful tactic to manage the performance. The model can be best suited for any kind of organization irrespective of any sector or department. Organizations can achieve significant ‘Return on Investment’ (ROI) by making use of the model presented above through development a pool of talented employees. The talented employees can bring productive strength for attaining the organizational goals within stipulated time. In order to make the talent leadership model effective, leaders should be provided with the required training and guidance. The benefits of the model can be highlighted to the various organizational leaders in order to make its optimum use by various business entities. Attempts can also be made in order to attain the support and cooperation from all the members in the organization for proper implementation of the talent leadership model. The above talent leadership model can provide real impact on business in terms of establishing a talented workforce according to organizational requirements which not only can enhance the productivity, but also can react significantly with the requirements of customers. Works Cited Ashford, Sue & Scott, DeRue. “Five Steps to Addressing the Leadership Talent Shortage”. Harvard Business Review (2010). Print. Boudreau, John, W. Strategic HRM Measurement in the 21st Century: From Justifying HR to Strategic Talent Leadership. Abstract, 2012. Web. 20 November, 2012. Read More
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