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Managing Music Festival Project - Term Paper Example

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The paper contains a project of the music festival ‘Ashleigh Music for Life’. This theme was chosen against the backdrop that the aim of the festival is going to be interspersed with the campaign on HIV/AIDS. The design of the project is structured around the accommodation of 30,000 spectators. …
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Managing Music Festival Project
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?EVENT REPORT Table of content Executive Summary 2 Project Brief 3 Project Plan 4 Risk Analysis 7 Conclusion 9 References 10 Executive Summary The proposed theme of this music festival is ‘Ashleigh Music for Life’. This theme was chosen against the backdrop that the aim of the festival is going to be interspersed with massive campaign on a health related issue – preferably HIV/AIDS as it is an incurable disease and concerns people of all sexes, age and social status. This means that the target group could be as open as people of all ages. However, because statistics suggest that the youth age is the highest risk zone for the disease (AVERT, 2012), the youth aged 15 to 35 are going to be the major target group for the festival. This identified target group brings on board promotional strategies. The design of the project is based on the social objectives of the substantive organising company, which is Ashleigh Music Festival Limited. The design of the project is structured around the accommodation of 30,000 spectators over a period of three days in a single consecutive location. The location, which is to be used through out the three days, shall be an outdoor venue. Essentially, the need to make the festival run for a period of three days is in the fact that the programs and agenda are numerous and they do not have to be packed into only a day or two’s program. With three days, there can be the total exhibition of all components of the agenda without really bordering about time. This is a musical festival, aiming to campaign on the need to prevent HIV/AIDS. This method can be judged as a very justifiable avenue to achieve the aim of the project. This is especially important as the company in question has a lot of social objectives that are directed towards making the lives of ordinary people worthwhile. In the light of this campaign, the company will also be in a position to make huge profits for out of the program. It is estimated that the total expenditure of the program shall cost ?200,000 with an expected turnover of ?300,000. Project Brief It is common knowledge that most people within the age group of 15 to 35 are students. This means that the promotional strategy will be focused through schools. Fundamentally, schools within the vicinity of the festival grounds shall be targeted for on-campus float and event march. There shall also be means of advertisement such as the use of billboards, posters and electronic announcement. Even more, there shall be the fusion of technology and the use of new media to ensure that the youth who are keener to the use of the internet are reached through the internet (Guan and Subrahmanyam, 2011). Fundamentally, there shall be the creation of a website for the festival as well as the creation of a social network page to promote the festival. There shall also be the promotion of the event through the organisation of a brief social responsibility in the communities that form the vicinity area for the festival. Some of these social interventions shall include tree planting activities as well as clean up exercises (Huebener, 2005). There will not have to be too much time spent on each day. This means that running the festival for three days will make way for people who would want to attend the festival and yet have time for other activities (Lee, 2011). On the use of an open site, this is a deliberate attempt to ensure that issues of space and gap are catered for. Indeed, the program is going to be interspersed with loud screams and shouts and these are going to come from close to three thousand people. This means that doing this in an enclosed area will bring about uncomfortable feeling of heat and discomfort (Piaget, 2002). Again, the presence of open space will cater for certain unforeseen emergencies that will call for urgent exiting. As important additions, the festival site shall have outlets for the sale of food, drinks, paraphernalia, and other petty items. The sales shall however be under the auspices of the organisers, which mean that participants in sales would have to register at a fee. Project Plan Act Booking and Ticketing Act booking and ticketing are important aspects of the project design. As a musical festival, the act to be booked will be musical act. The focus of genre of music shall purposely be choral and gospel. The reason for such a combination rests with two issues. First, it is supposed that the choral groups are in a position to composing special choral songs to reflect the general theme of the festival and thereby making the festival have very positive impact on the lives of attendants through music (Estrella, 2012). Secondly, it is supposed that gospel music have lyrics that can really descend down well with attendants in terms of the need to adapt positive and healthy lifestyles that will push them away from contracting the deadly HIV/AIDS (Marks, 2007). On the booking of act, a special agent will be hired to feed the festival with the very best of well known and chart topping artists and groups from across the country. A total of five day accommodation is going to be made for the invited artists. Five days have been selected because of the belief that some of them would want to come earlier to rehearse or have enough rest. They would also need a day off to rest before departing after the program. On tickets, very good use shall be made of advance ticketing and online ticketing. In fact these two have been identified as some of the best ways to get tickets sold easily (Bonnie, 2001). On the whole, tickets shall be sold through the promotional season. There shall also be online sale of tickets through the website to be created. It must be indicated however that the entire sale of ticketing shall be done through an agency. Equipment The entire festival shall be well registered under the appropriate licensing authority. This means that there shall be the legal permit and backing to use public systems including load speakers and bright lights. Due to the capacity of the program, there shall be the hiring of stand-by generator to complement the major source of electricity to use (Tinker and Cullough, 1992). Sound and lighting systems shall be left under the jurisdiction of a contracted company. It is however expected that there should be enough and adequate presence of light and sound. Lighting to be used are expected to include 6 lamp bar, spotlights, intelligent moving light, stage pyrotechnics and led soft wash bar. There shall therefore be a whole stance reserved for sound and light as this shall be a major component of the project. All equipment shall be tested and tried before the event. There shall be the provision of media stance as well as health and safety stance. Diagrammatic Representation of Project Plan Coded Activities I. project planning II. procurement processes III. sourcing IV. publicity and advertisement V. act booking VI. ticketing VII. grounds work VIII. monitoring and evaluation IX. closure Activity Predecessor General Time Estimates Optimistic time. (O) Normal (M) Pess. (P) Estimated Time I - 5 6 9 7.6 II I 3 5 7 5 III I, II 7 8 11 8.3 IV I 7 8 12 8.5 V I, II 4 5 9 5.5 VI I, IV 1 2 3 2 VII I - III 3 5 8 5.16 VIII I - VII 14 16 21 16.5 IX I - VIII 1 1 1 1 Where estimated time = O + 4(M) + P/6 The information above was used to generate a pictorial representation using Microsoft Project Risk Analysis A project of this quantum certainly comes with a number of risks. The task of risk analysis shall be conducted by the monitoring and evaluation team. The Investopedia Dictionary (2012) explains that “Risk analysis refers to the uncertainty of forecasted future cash flows streams, statistical analysis to determine the probability of a project's success or failure, and possible future economic states.” Some major risks that are likely to be identified with this festival have been coded below. A. weather uncertainty (especially as this is an open space event) B. invited guests failing to show up C. making of fake tickets D. inflated expenditure E. damage to facility F. Injury to participants G. Loss of equipment The seven (7) forms of risks identified above can be grouped into their consequences and probability of occurrence using the risk table below. RISK ANALYSIS Probability Very High High Medium Low Very Low Consequences Very high F G B High E C Medium D Low Very Low A Interpretation of the various risks can be given using the chart below source: Koopman (2011) Conclusion Monitoring and control shall take the form of a 3-tier scheme. First, there shall be strict monitoring of grounds and, participants, before, during and after the festival. Before the festival, the evaluation and monitoring team shall be tasked to ensure that all schedules and budgets work according to plan. They shall also ensure that all logistics have been secured and procured (Osborn, 2001). This includes the making and sale of tickets. They shall also be tasked to ensure that there is enough correspondence with all artists invited for the program. During the event also, a lot of monitoring will go on. References Koopman, P., 2011, Using a Risk Analysis Table to Categorize Bug Priority [Online] [Accessed March 12, 2012] AVERT, 2012, HIV & AIDS Statistics from around the World, [Online] [Accessed March 5, 2012] Bonnie B. 2001, Urban Champaign Encyclopedia of Linguistics. New York: Oxford University Press Gray, L. (1961). Teaching children to Build Programs. Ronald Press Company Estrella E, 2012, What is Choral Music? [Online] [Accessed March 4, 2012] Guan A. S and Subrahmanyam K, 2011, Youth Internet Use: Risks and Opportunities, Current Opinion Psychiatry. 2009;22(4):351-356. Huebener T. 2005, Effective Project Delivery, New, York University Press. Investopedia Dictionary, 2012, Risk Analysis [Online] [Accessed March 5, 2012] Lee, W.R 2011, Basics of Project Management, Oxford University Press: Oxford Leo I, 2012, Risks associated with events [Online] [Accessed March 6, 2012] Marks, A. 2007, Poor Organization Skills have both Physical; an Environmental course, Microsoft student with Encarta Premium Osborn, J. 2001, Modern Event Organization. University of Illinois, Urban, Oxford Advanced Learners. Piaget J. 2002, Play, Dreams and Limitations in children, New York: Norton. Smith H.P and Deachant E.V 1971, Psychology in Projects and Events Structuring, New Jersey, Prentice Hall. Tinker M.A and Cullough M.C 1992, Teaching Elementary Event Organization, New York Enlewood Cliffs. Read More
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