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Leadership Style - Term Paper Example

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Running Head: Leadership Style Customer Insert His/her name: University name: Leadership is a management skill that provides guidance and motivation for a group of people. It means to control, command, manage and direct a group of people towards a particular aim or goal…
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Leadership Style Paper
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This study led him to the conclusion of three unique styles of leadership. (U.S Army Handbook) 1. Authoritarian. 2. Participative. 3. Delegative. Authoritarian: A leader acts as an authoritarian when he orders or commands his workers to perform a particular action. In this case, the people working under the leader do not have enough knowledge about the operation or task that the leader wants them to do. They are not capable enough or are inexperienced or not so reliable to judge how to carry out the given task in the best way that meets the requirements and satisfaction of their leader.

Hence, the leader has to completely direct them. There is no one to guide or give any sorts of opinions to the leader. The leader himself has to analyze the risks, failures and successes of his decisions and has to implement on it all alone. Participative: The second style of a leader is participative, which in my opinion is the most compatible and applicable style for a successful leader. As understood by its name, the leader also participates in the work which he assigns to his workers. In this way of leading, a leader forms a friendly atmosphere of mutual interaction and cooperation.

The leader interacts and works along with his workers, takes their advice and suggestions as well. However, the final decision has to be made by the leader but, this method of leadership helps him to take a wiser and a better decision that may no doubt be beneficial. This style of leadership has its own limitations; it can be implemented only if the workers are experienced and capable enough to give useful suggestions to the leader. Delegative: This style of leadership means that the leader sets free his workers to work according to their own wish.

The workers are granted permission by the leader to take their own decisions and work the way they want to. This style of leadership is very limited and implemented very rarely. This is so because the workers need to be highly skilled, experienced, reliable and have enough knowledge in order to work themselves and make their own decisions without any help and guidance of their leader. (Leadership Styles) According to me, a good leader is the one that acts on all three styles depending upon the situation and time and the abilities of the people working under him.

Therefore, my style of leadership is a unique combination of all three styles of leadership described above. Therefore, I can benefit the company using all three styles. Being an IT manager in the company, I have a wonderful opportunity to try out the new IT professionals and technicians. By using the authoritarian style, I can provide opportunities to new workers. These new workers might be talented but not at all experienced. Hence, through my authoritarian style, I can motivate and encourage them to work well and eventually they will become useful for the company.

As there is a rapid development and advancement in the world of information technology, therefore giving a chance to the new IT workers can definitely benefit the company in a way that the new workers have studied and have been trained according to the new methods and techniques which can bring a positive change and improvement in the company. Through my authoritarian leadership, I can direct them, polish their talents and knowledge and guide them in order to make

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