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Determinants of Life Satisfaction in the UK - Research Paper Example

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Several researches have been undertaken on subjective well-being; in this case, this research extends on this by considering life satisfaction in UK. Most research are based on local studies, hence, the…
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Determinants of Life Satisfaction in the UK
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The paper "Determinants of Life Satisfaction in the UK" is a wonderful example of a research paper on macro and microeconomics. The aim of the research was to investigate life satisfaction in the UK. Several types of research have been undertaken on subjective well-being; in this case, this research extends on this by considering life satisfaction in the UK. Most research is based on local studies, hence, the generalization of their findings can’t be based on the UK population. Basing on these facts, the factors which shape life satisfaction amongst the people of UK can be determined with the use of a representative survey of British Household Panel Survey 2006-2007.

Some of the study results obtained are seen to be similar to typical findings like the positive effect of saver, marriage, female and pension and negative effects of manage, stress and or health. We can see that these variables manage, stress, saver, marriage, health, female and pension are a significant predictor of life satisfaction in the UK from the p-value. The subjective well-being from very dissatisfied to neutral to very satisfied is better with lower management, stress, higher saver and marriage, lower health, higher female and pension.

By determining the determinants of life satisfaction and how they influence life satisfaction, the aim of the research is to proving insights for professionals and policymakers in order to enable them to contribute to the improvement of lives perceived by UK people Keywords: life satisfaction, pension, female, well-being Acknowledgement I would like to acknowledge the institution and the academic team for making this journey possible for me. I would also like to thank all my family members for being with me and supporting me in my academic work until this point.

My final thanks go to my friends and my supervisors; …………… for walking with me in this academic journey to excellence. Contents 2.4 The ordered logit model 13 3.3. Marginal Effect 19 Appendices 30 1. Introduction By definition, subjective well-being is the way individuals evaluate their lives. This includes variables like depression, anxiety, life satisfaction, emotions, positive moods, and marital satisfaction. Life evaluation may be based on cognitions. For instance, the conscious judgment regarding a particular life aspect as a whole or as recreation (Diener 2000).

Activities and goals of people are as well considered to affect subjective well-being.

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