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If Hitler Asked You to Electrocute a Stranger, Would You - Essay Example

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This cause-and-effect analysis tends to focus on the effects of peer pressure in this regard.
Teenagers and students see their peers…
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If Hitler Asked You to Electrocute a Stranger, Would You
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Your full April 9, Peer Pressure Peer pressure causes teenagers to consume alcohol before the legal age of drinking, and this has led to many serious problems in teenagers. This cause-and-effect analysis tends to focus on the effects of peer pressure in this regard. Teenagers and students see their peers consuming alcohol, and they want to do it too because they are curious, and because the media, bars and companies make heavy drinking sound like a fun activity. They want to feel grown up. Some disastrous effects of alcohol and especially binge drinking, which peer pressure instigates teenagers to get indulged into, include affected brain activity, memory and concentration; increased emotional mood swings; inability to perceive the direction of sound; dysfunctional reproductive system; increased risk of breast cancer (Doheny); affected driving leading to accidents; and, family violence.

Peer pressure makes students show poor grades and lag behind in academics, if they get indulged in drinking. Effects at school include short attendance, incomplete school work, and many short-term and long-term academic and post-academic problems. Since any quantity of alcohol present in blood affects memory and learning, students tend to show poor academic performance. The brain and cognitive ability gets damaged. Adolescents also develop delinquent behavior due to drinking. Such behavior later results in many criminal activities because such adolescents grow up to be bad citizens.

Hence, it is proved that peer pressure causes teenagers to get indulged in binge drinking, which leads to many health problems, poor performance at school, and many psychiatric disorders that hinder with their normal life activities. Works CitedDoheny, Kathleen. Alcohol and Your Health. Cancer Health Center, 2010. Web. 9 Apr 2012. .

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