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The environment incomparative and worldpolitics - Essay Example

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1) Whether it is concerning domestic affairs, or the balance between nations, environmental concerns definitely possess a significant influence in the world. Sometimes the disputes are mild, but in other cases severe conflict, even war, can be the result. After reading in the…
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The environment incomparative and worldpolitics
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1) Whether it is concerning domestic affairs, or the balance between nations, environmental concerns definitely possess a significant influence in the world. Sometimes the disputes are mild, but in other cases severe conflict, even war, can be the result. After reading in the chapter Finite F.E.W., I uncovered an interesting subject, which was how world food prices have been quite volatile in the past few decades. The authors assert that “world food costs have doubled,” and this problem is amplified by the fact that Asia, which is home to a significant human population, is becoming a major demander of food resources (Roskin & Berry, p. 351). It appears that policy-planners across the globe failed to forecasted appropriately, and this was reflected by a number of decisions including that to cut “agri-research,” when it was apparently no longer needed (Roskin & Berry, p. 352). The reason this topic is interesting is because food prices were normalized for a time, following the period of the Green Revolution, but as economic conditions have fluctuated, and the human population has exploded, food prices have become volatile. 2 ) McNeill’s main concern is on climate change, and he concedes that it is a combination of natural processes and man-made effects.

However, he points out the important fact that it is not one grant event or decision that would tip the scale or “switch” of natural disaster, but it is due to “incremental increases” that calamities are caused (McNeil, p. 4-5). He recommends careful attention, since the term leading up to the threshold level of temperature, emissions, or other variable will be relatively calm, but that there can be literal hurricanes following this reference point. 3) Much of the focus in other articles has revealed that the power of balance between major nations such as Saudi Arabia and the United States hinge on the subject of oil trade.

Thus, certain nations may mutually benefit when transactions proceed as planned and there are no shortages, but could erupt into an explosive situation where expectations are not met, or one or more of the nations concerned has some trouble (Roskin & Berry, p. 351).4) Kasinof (2009) reiterates that environmental issues can cause much stress for a nation. The situation in Yemen is discussed where it is reported by a collective of researchers that “70 to 80 percent of rural conflicts are over water shortages,” revealing that much of the problems of the civil state can be traced to this type of debacle (Kasinof, 2009).

The government has stepped in by enacting regulations and legislation, but so far they have not been able to enforce them among a populace that have become a group of environmental vigilantes who plunder in order to fill their needs. 5) It seems then, after reading this article that determining the thresholds and being mindful of them is important as leaders and citizens consider the effects of human activities on the global climate. Some citizens, such as those in Bangladesh, were depicted in the movie as being relatively cognizant of the severity of climate change, having experienced the negative effects first hand, and have taken matters into their own hands.

Just a few of the activities that these people engage in include hoarding fresh water reserves, building erosion protective barriers, and exploring for new inlets and sources of water. Although some thresholds may have already been reached in this region, the citizens show no sign of cowering away from the potential of future calamity by being assertive against their foe of water woes. ReferencesKasinof, L. “At heart of Yemen’s conflicts: water crisis” November 5, 2009. Chrisitian Science MonitorMcNeil “Prologue: Peculiarities of a Prodigal Century” In Chapter 1.

Roskin & Berry. “Finite F.E.W. (Food/Energy/Water)

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