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Leadership & the Role of Managers - Essay Example

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Leadership and the Role of Managers Name Institution Leadership and the Role of Managers Managers play a crucial role in the management and facilitation of delivery of healthcare to patients. For effective management, each manager is expected to posses certain qualities to enable them execute their functions effectively (Marquis and Huston, 2009)…
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Leadership & the Role of Managers
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The interview is also meant to unearth his key leadership characteristics, his strengths and weaknesses as a leader in healthcare management. Finally, the paper will recommend how his work performance can be improved to better delivery of healthcare management services. I got to know Patrick O’Day at a time I went to the hospital to seek for treatment of a certain ailment in GE Healthcare where he currently works as the program manager, Healthcare Services. My interview with him took 1.5 to 2 hours at the healthcare’s boardroom.

Demographic Information Name: Mr. Patrick O’Day Age: 53 years Education: Gannon University (Industrial Management) Number of years in healthcare: 10 Years May 2011-Present: Program Manager, Healthcare Systems Services GE Healthcare. As a program manager of GE Healthcare, O’Day is charged with the responsibility of product definition, introduction, development, marketing, strategy, lifecycle, and growth of molecular, medical device imaging. He also champions product, inspiring, engaging and mobilizing workers across all functions, geographies, externally and internally, to trigger growth and profitability (Healthcare program manager 2012). Jan. 2008-April 2011: Global Marketing Development Manager, GE Healthcare.

Here, he worked as a leader in profitability and market growth initiative based on PET/CT clinical adoption, volume, procedure, pricing and profit margin realization and recommending instructions for new products. He also managed portfolio offerings with regard to product life cycle, maximizing overall sales returns to business by configuring, positioning, pricing and commercial innovation. He also established a roadmap, content defining, funding recommendations for new products introduced into the healthcare targeted to base customers installed.

He also collaborated, with key leaders to identify emerging critical trends, promotes education, update physician practice guideline and awareness (Healthcare program manager 2012). From 2007-2008, he acted as the Global Marketing manager for GE Healthcare. This was with regard to product portfolio, establishing offering strategies, messaging, segmentation, positioning competition, branding and pricing. He also helped in developing marketing plans based on inputs derived from regional marketing, customers, sales and competitive analysis.

During this period, he helped in the creation of clinical and economic value positions for products portfolio. He argues that he facilitated innovative product’s scalability features to ensure customer and commercial success. He also reveals that he collaborated with stakeholders of global products with the aim of establishing operating mechanisms and processes that leads to product portfolio leadership and improving growth in product margin. Furthermore, he unified the world execution of new product introduction commercial plans.

He argues that he also consulted with key opinion leaders in order to capture the customer’s voice with the aim of identifying unmet clinical needs and emerging issue through his own contact, investigation devise deployment and medical advisory board (Healthcare program manager 2012). Leadership Characteristics Basically, there are seven leadership characteristics that an individual may identify with. This includes empathy, consistency, honesty,

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Leadership & The Role of Managers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 Words.
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