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The Study of Genre - Essay Example

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The paper "The Study of Genre" states that Genre is classified into two types namely representational genre and narrative genre. The representational genre involves the types and number of voices and is further classified into three categories namely narrator, dialogue and narrator plus dialogue. …
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The Study of Genre
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Narrative genre is a type of genre in which the type of plan or scheme is defined.  The types of the narrative genre are comedy, tragedy, satire and romance.

Here are a few examples of genres that are used in literature. The informational genre is aimed at teaching and other informational purposes rather than entertainment. Examples include The Reasons for Seasons, Lightening, etc. The realistic genre is based on reality or gives illustrations about things in literature or art as they really are. Examples include Drawing Lessons, Plain and Tall, etc.  Fantasy is an imaginative genre and is used especially when one deals with unnatural or mystical characters or proceedings. Examples include The Book of Three, The Dark Is Rising, etc. (Routman,2005)

The study of the genre has the following advantages as it helps to categorize literature in a means that makes it easy to understand the distinctive characteristics. This can help in relating different works of literature and offer a basis for evaluating literature.


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