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Steroids as an Artificial Imitative Testosterone Hormones - Essay Example

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The paper "Steroids as an Artificial Imitative Testosterone Hormones" states that the potential side effects of different corticosteroids increase with an increase in dosage. Research has it that corticosteroids can help treat asthma, eczema, some kinds of cancer, and autoimmune diseases…
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Steroids as an Artificial Imitative Testosterone Hormones
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Steroids are artificial imitative testosterone hormones that stimulate the development of male characteristics. Testosterone has both masculinizing and tissue-building effects and steroids are designed to bring about similar effects. There are different types of steroids and they are used for both medical and non-prescriptive purposes. The myth that steroid use is illegal and that all steroids are harmful is not true. Only non-prescriptive use of steroids is prohibited in many countries. Some people think that the mere intake of steroids builds muscles automatically. Steroids are not magic pills that produce the desired effects instantly. The truth is that they work only when the user observes certain lifestyles such as consistent physical exercise, a healthy diet, and effective sleep schedules (Sterngass 32).
Another common misconception is that injection steroids are safer than oral steroids. Safety is an important issue with all classes and types of steroids. Injection steroids do have side effects such as hair loss and acne that are also found in oral steroids. There are many who believe that women do not use steroids. On the contrary, there have been studies that have observed significant numbers of women who use steroids. Skewed body image, self-defense, bodybuilding, and athletics are all reasons that cause women to use steroids. However, there is strong evidence that more men use steroids than women do (Sterngass 33).
Anabolic steroids are one commonly known type of steroids. Primarily, anabolic steroids are meant to reduce the breakdown of testosterone and maximize its ability to build tissues. Clenbuterol is an example of an anabolic steroid commonly used by bodybuilders and athletes. This anabolic steroid helps in the shedding of body fats and weight loss. Anabolic steroids can be taken either through intramuscular injection or orally. Commentators observe that beginners in steroid use are the ones who prefer to take steroids orally. Oral intake of anabolic steroids has higher chances of side effects than injection (Sterngass 34).
There are growth hormone steroids such as hGH (Human growth hormone) that imitates a hormone produced in the brain. Growth hormone steroids have been used to accelerate height growth in short children and increase the strength of the elderly. Most growth hormone steroids increase muscle mass, the fat breakdown for energy, and enhance musculoskeletal injury healing. Another type of steroid is erythropoietin which helps athletics endure the impact and improve performance. An example of erythropoietin is rEPO which helps treat blood diseases (Sterngass 35).
Corticosteroids are used in the reduction of inflammations and swellings. They imitate the action of the cortisol hormone that is produced in the adrenal glands’ cortex. Read More
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“Steroids Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words”, n.d.
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