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Poem - Richard Cory by (EDWIN ARLINGTON ROBINSON) - Essay Example

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As the reader of this beautiful piece of poetry, Richard Cory did not possess any noticeable or imaginable flaw, until he distressingly puts a bullet through his head. In my…
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Jerry Ciacho May 03, Richard Cory by Edward Arlington Robinson Richard Cory, in my opinion, is a very heartrending poem in which its end was unnervingly unexpected. As the reader of this beautiful piece of poetry, Richard Cory did not possess any noticeable or imaginable flaw, until he distressingly puts a bullet through his head. In my opinion, the author was trying to convey a specific message: that a person everyone might envy might simply be a man who perhaps have everything anyone can possible have in this world except peace of mind and love money cannot buy.

Therefore, although he has everything that he could possibly want in this world, his life is hollow and empty, feeling as though he has nothing to live for, in spite having every material thing. I personally admire Robinson’s method and style of writing the poem. I admire its sharp statements, its exactitude, succinctness and its utter absence of clichés. The message it desired to convey is quite clear: As joyful and content one seems to be, the actual fact may be otherwise.Throughout the story, Robinson presented the classic idea of not judging people solely by their countenance.

Rather, there is more to a person than what is on the surface. The very first time I read this poem, I immediately though it was boring and lethargic, until I read its last line. E. A. Robinson made this great piece of literature seem very predictable as it only kept mentioning and presenting the townspeople’s high regard for Richard Cory which makes one expect it would end on a positive note. It didnt. E. A. Robinson was extremely clever in the way he highlighted the apparent theme of deceit.

Works CitedRobinson, Edward Arlington. "Richard Cory." Poetry, Poems, Bios & More. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 May 2012. .

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