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Need to find a trending topic in the field of civil engineering - Research Paper Example

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Name Instructor Date 3 D Printing and Civil Engineering Technology has continued to advance in the civil and construction industry. In the recent past engineers and researchers, have developed systems and techniques that have continued to boost the industry in a great way…
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Need to find a trending topic in the field of civil engineering
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The production involves an additive process different from the machining techniques that uses subtractive processes such as drilling and cutting. 3 D printing is exclusively done from digital models. The impact of 3 D printing is enormous and continues to shape the civil engineering sector. 3 D printing is being used in civil engineering in two main ways. Firstly, the technology has taken toll in prototyping. Engineers, architects and contractors have relied on 3 D prototyping in the recent times to manipulate designs and digital models to materials that are used in construction.

It has been established that 3 D prototyping is an efficient, fast and cost friendly method in the fabrication of complex designs when high definitions are required. Prototyping enables production of high quality maps and plans that have well defined terrain and surface features. Secondly, distributed production has been utilized in the industry in manufacturing some of the raw materials. It takes into use dispersed facilities used in manufacturing and are coordinated using information technology platforms.

This aspect has boosted the activities of civil engineering industries that have a wide range of geographically separated activities. It reduces shipment and freight costs for the company. Engineering jobs have and will be affected by the technology. 3 D printing technology has been reported to contribute to job cut in the engineering sector (Frick 1). The automation in printing of models and the efficiency that accompanies has made many clients to seek 3 D printing services. For the last twenty years, 3 D printing companies in the world have demonstrated tremendous growth.

Materialise, one of the companies that has retained the convectional methods, has employed approximately nine hundred people of which around eight hundred and fifty are engineers who play the role of designing projects’ processes. This number of engineers is so big compared to the companies that have embraced 3 D printing technology such as the New York based 3 D printing manufacturer, Shapeways that has less than one hundred employees (Frick 1). The customized design apps that are supplied by Shapeways make the role of engineers to be limited hence the smaller number of engineers that are required.

In addition, the apps are capable of facilitating creation of more complex structural models. The additive strategy adopted by 3 D technology has many benefits over the convectional subtractive manufacturing methods. The results of the technology are evidenced by the ability to do local production; the only requirement is to have the digital designs in place. The designs are distributable through digital platforms, thereby can be retrieved through a networked computer system. Stocking is another problem that is avoided.

Conventionally, engineering companies have been producing models that are kept in the stores, with 3 D technology, production is based on demand. Another advantage of the technology is the ability to print wholesome products instead of joining parts together; this reduces the need for assembling while facilitating the production to be made at the point of demand. A deviation from the convectional manufacturing where engineering products were made in a particular fixed way, 3 D printing technology allows for customization of a product according to the specific needs of the client.

In addition, the speed of production is highly improved, hence saving on the time required for the

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