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Adult Learning: Linking Theory and Practice - Case Study Example

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The paper "Adult Learning: Linking Theory and Practice" highlights that like other adult learners, Aleide has more responsibilities than the average student has, as a wife, employee, and mother. In addition to this, she participates in activities that enrich her learning experience…
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Adult Learning: Linking Theory and Practice
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Interview Paper with of an adult learner Interview Paper with of an adult learner Introduction On the 22nd day of January, I set out to interview one of my classmates on their overall experience as an adult learner. This essay is a presentation on some of the findings that emerged from the interview. It outlines details such as the personal details of the interviewee that may have an impact on her experiences. In addition to this, the paper discusses some of the financial obligations of the interviewee and their impact on the learning process. Also, importantly, is a look into factors such as technological proficiency that has helped influence the learning process. In the course of discussing my findings, I will include a comparison to the characteristics of adult learning as presented in Merriam and Bierema’s (2014) Adult Learning: Linking Theory and Practice. Demographic Characteristics The respondent in the interview is female. Her name is Mariam Aleide. She is 27 years old. This is consistent with Merriam and Bierema’s definition of an adult (2014, p.11), where they point out that an adult is one whose age, social roles and sense of self perception define them as such-as adults. Therefore, her identity as an adult, apart from her age, is also a factor of her having multiple roles in society Merriam and Beirema (2014, p.12). For example, Aleide points out that she is a wife, a mother, and has a job as a teacher, apart from being a student. This distinguishes her as an adult as per the standards set in the text. Economics The economic aspect of Aleide’s life is not easy to decipher. However, given the number of activities she has been a part of, one may infer that she is in a position to afford the various types of education. One the other hand, she points out that her mother had to sponsor her in matters to do with her baby. This shows that there may be a bit of financial struggle. This is predicted by Merriam and Bierama’s work. The roles taken on by Aleide as a wife, mother and student all require some level of financial contribution. Technology Technologically, Aleide is proficient in computer programs. She specifies that she has a basic understanding of Microsoft office programs. In their work, Merriam and Bierema (2014, p.5) point out that due to globalization, there has been a rising demand for proficiency in computer programs. As such, by gaining basic knowledge of Microsoft Office Packages, Aleide is on consistency with ideas of the text; she incorporates the knowledge and use of technology into her learning endeavors. This is reported to ease the learning process, especially since she is a student in a country that is highly dependent on technology. Work Experience Aleide states that after graduation, she worked at the university administration, followed by the Human Resource Center, in the Department of Coordination. Her duties revolved around conducting training activities for employees. Apart from this, she has held a position as a teacher in a secondary school. Education types She has taken part in both formal and non-formal education. In terms of formal education, Aleide majored in literature as she took a degree in education while in college. In addition to this, non-formally, she participated in workshops designed to expose students to a practical aspect in their specialty of education. Merriam and Bierama (2014, p.17) recognize the fact that these two types of education complement each other. According to them, the non-formal kind is more voluntary than compulsory, but has to be treated as an integral part of learning. In terms of nonformal education, she took cooking classes. Barriers One of the barriers to her education that she outlines is getting married during her final year of undergraduate school. In addition, she had a baby. She states that adjusting to these new responsibilities came as a challenge to her. Apart from these were family issues with her in-laws that threatened to distract her from her studies. Overcoming the challenges, she states, took the help of her family, that is, her parents and husband. Her mother chipped in to take help with the extra workload brought on by the baby. Her husband was source of psychological support for her. Goals for returning to school She outlines one of her goals for returning to school as the hope of bettering her career; higher education means better opportunities in future. Secondly, she wanted to develop her skills in education and gain further knowledge on the subject. She finally adds that she went back in order to derive a sense of complacency in herself. This is consistent with what Merriam and Bierama (2014, p.12-13) report in their book about adults returning to school for purposes of improving on their adult life or for the joy of learning. Both of these served as motivation for Aleide to return to school. Benefits of Higher Education The biggest benefit to her, apart from meeting the goals discussed, is the opportunity to learn from others in her new learning environment. She states that this is of more use to her than the knowledge she derives from sitting in a class. Merriam and Bierama (2014, p. 16) concur with this, given the fact that education in a non-formal setting tends to stay with learners for a longer duration of time and is more effective. Summary and Conclusion Aleide is a typical adult learner. Like other adult learners, she has more responsibilities than the average student has, as a wife, employee, and mother. In addition to this, she participates in activities that enrich her learning experience. These are activities such as learning computer packages and participating in non-formal forms of education. She has to contend with potential obstacles to her education, such as being married, having a baby, and time constraints. Even so, she is driven by her thirst for knowledge and developing herself to return to school. Given the challenges that surround adult learning, it is clear that this form of learning is of a unique kind, given that adults have to overcome certain barriers to get through school. As such, it is important to address the issues surrounding this type of education, while focusing on the motivations of participants to remain in the learning program despite the numerous challenges. Reference Merriam, S., and Bierama, L. (2014). Adult learning: Linking theory and practice. San Fransisco: John-Wiley and Sons. Grading Criteria Spelling and Grammar (10%) ________ Organization and Readability (10%) ________ Unity of thought, paragraph development, transitions, introductions/conclusions Content of Argument (40%) ________ Completeness of content Demonstration of ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate material Clarity Substantiation (30%) ________ Use of appropriate resources Adherence to APA Style Makes connections to textbook and demonstrates understanding of theory Implications/Applications (10%) ________ Demonstration of ability to see applications to practice or Identifies implications for research Total (100%) ________ Ekhlas, please bring me the notes from your interview. Read More
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