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Personality - Essay Example

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BIG 5 PERSONALITY TRAITS of Affiliation BIG 5 PERSONALITY TRAITS Previously conducted research works have established five critical personalities that distinguish the traits of one individual from the other. In most of these studies, it is the…
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BIG 5 PERSONALITY TRAITS of Affiliation BIG 5 PERSONALITY TRAITS Previously conducted research works have established five critical personalities that distinguish the traits of one individual from the other. In most of these studies, it is the frequency and/or intensity of a person’s feelings, behavior and thoughts that are considered. Whereas the personalities of individuals do exists on a continuum such that the differentiating factor is only the degree or intensity of a certain trait. These personality traits include Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness Neuroticism and Openness to experience.

This paper briefly describes each of these personality traits and how they impact positively on a person’s performance. Extraversion Extraversion is characterized by a distinct engagement with the outside world. Such is the case that Extroverts enjoy being around people, show lots of enthusiasm and mostly depict positive emotions. In addition, extroverts are action oriented, always agreeing with decision or suggestions put forward or simply put as they readily say “YES.” While in groups, they tend to assert themselves with the focus on drawing other people attention.

This trait makes such individuals score high marks when it comes to social life. Such individuals are also able to cultivate healthy personal interpersonal relations which in turn motivate better performance at the work place (Raad, 2000). Agreeableness Agreeableness on the other hand takes in persons differences in concern with social harmony and cooperation. These individuals will do everything possible to see to it that they get along with others well. For this reason, they usually depict traits such as being considerate, helpful, generous, friendly, and ready to compromise their interest for the sake of others.

Agreeable persons also pose a positive view of human character. They consider people as being decent, honest, and trustworthy. This quality of personality enhances performance in the sense that harmonious co-existence rather than conflicts is promoted (Raad, 2000). Conscientiousness Conscientiousness revolves around the way individuals regulate, control and direct their impulses. It is important to note that impulses are essentially not bad as sometimes time constraints may demand a snap decision and in such moments, acting on first impulse may do us more good rather harm.

Most people consider impulsive persons as lively and fun-to-be-with. Individuals with this quality of personality respond rapidly to different situations that may equally call for such expeditious responses. Neuroticism This forms another personality that is closely associated with emotional suffering, mental distress and state of being unable to cope well with the usual demands of life. Neurotics tend to show a specific negative feeling that my take the form of anger, anxiety or depression, although it is possible to experience several of these emotions.

Highly neurotic individuals will pose as being emotionally reactive. Such is the case that they will respond emotionally to incidences that would not typically concern most people. In addition, their reactions take an intense form than what is normal as they frequently take ordinary incidences as threatening and slight frustrations as difficult and hopeless (Raad, 2000). Openness to Experience This personality describes an aspect of cognitive style, which differentiates imaginative, creative individuals from those considered conventional and down to earth.

Open people pose as intellectually curious, sensitive to beauty, a factor that makes them appreciative to art. In most cases, individuals with this personality act in an individualistic and nonconforming manner. This makes them daring to venture into unknown experiences. It is this additional experience that cumulatively enhances the performance of such individuals (Raad, 2000). References Raad, B. d. (2000). The big five personality factors: the psycholexical approach to personality. New York: Hogrefe & Huber.

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