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Movement Analysis in Dirty Dance - Movie Review Example

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The author of the paper "Movement Analysis in Dirty Dance" argues in a well-organized manner that dirty dance is a romantic form of dance and celebrates life and love. Based on this dance - form and inspired by the film Havana Nights, a romantic film was made in the year 1987…
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Movement Analysis in Dirty Dance
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The film Dirty Dancing was directed by Emile Ardolino and written by Eleanor Bergstein. The film features Hollywood actors like Patrick Swayze, Jennifer Grey, Cynthia Rhode, and Jerry Orbach. The form of dancing includes such close postures that the extensive use of the dance form in the movie received criticism: “The most goose-bump including dance scene ever used in the movie history”.The dance form comprises considerable lift movements and it includes high lifts too. This is aptly demonstrated in the film as the story of the film encompasses the life and rebellion of a young debutant.

The rebellion against her father is shown in the movie by the debutante’s starting a family with her dance instructor during the summer vacation. The finale of the movie encapsulates a brilliant lift by the dancers and it is all about overcoming the fear of Baby, who allows her partner Johnny to lift up in the air thereby trusting the abilities of Johnny and her.Most of the dance in the film is choreographed by the creative Kenny Ortega and the latter half of the dance including more subtle and sophisticated movements were choreographed under the strong supervision of the expertise choreographer.

This dance - form consist of an expression of subtle movements that display the erotic and passion of humans in love.

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