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Consequences of Innovation - Essay Example

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From the paper "Consequences of Innovation" it is clear that investigators and police can now take clearer and authentic images as forms of criminal evidence. Moreover, the winners can now take images that correspond to their specified virtual image planes…
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Consequences of Innovation
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Innovation relates to change and has numerous positive and negative consequences. The adoption or rejection of innovation derives consequences that can occur to individuals or social groups. Various social groups like student organizations, photography clubs, investigators, police, people with big cameras at home, adventurers, non-governmental organizations that collect and distribute used cameras to the needy, and the press experience the creation and diffusion of the digital camera. The student organizations, photography clubs, and the press are winners in this case since they enjoy the aspect of configuring the digital camera to operate in a low-resolution refocusable mode and a high-resolution non-refocusable mode.

These social groups attend and organize events that require them to operate in different resolutions. These groups can now take digital photographs even at night since the digital camera have an image sensor that captures digital images (Border and Young 1).  On the other hand, camera retailers and non-governmental organizations that collect and distribute used cameras to the needy are losers in this case. Indeed, camera retailers will suffer losses from the old camera since consumers will shift to the digital cameras platform.

Non-governmental organizations that collect and distribute used cameras will be dealing with cameras with outdated features thus limiting their value.

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(Consequences of Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words, n.d.)
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Consequences of Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words.
“Consequences of Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words”, n.d.
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