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Congress and State legislatures policy communication - Assignment Example

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These systems consist of rules, directives and guidelines that address a particular topic to a new law. The public policy is built on the base of rules and regulations of a nation’s constitution.
A vague…
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Congress and State legislatures policy communication
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Impacts of Vague Policies of Outline Introduction Advantages and Disadvantages of Vague Public Policies Conclusion Impacts of Vague PoliciesIntroductionPublic policies contain laws and regulations used to govern a nation. These systems consist of rules, directives and guidelines that address a particular topic to a new law. The public policy is built on the base of rules and regulations of a nation’s constitution.Disadvantages of Vague Public PoliciesA vague public policy lacks accuracy and consistency in transmission (Fonow.

and Cook, 2014). Directives become inconsistent with the original intention of the law creating biases in interpretation from the people who disagree with the policy. Vague policies create a struggle for maintaining accurate communications. Communicating these systems pose a challenge as no precise meaning can be conveyed. The US Department of Health and Human Services as an example consists of many offices that are faced with communication problems. Practical implementation of public policies is difficult since there are no clear directives that can be followed (Hayes, 2013).

Guidelines give meaning to a system, therefore, when they lack clarity, implementation becomes difficult.Advantages of Vague Public PoliciesA vague policy is used to create an impression on the service recipient that something is being done to solve a problem (Hayes, 2013). Vague and ambiguous policies are deliberately passed to give reassurance to the people and give them confidence in the Congress and Legislature. Vague policies give the President and Congress an opportunity to claim credit for the high-sounding principles enacted into law (Fonow.

and Cook, 2014). The president and Congress can avoid taking responsibility for any unpopular actions that administrators must take to implement new policies.ConclusionVague public policies lack accuracy and consistency in transmission creating biases in interpretation from the people who disagree with the policy. A struggle comes about in maintaining accurate communications of these policies as no precise meaning is conveyed. There cannot be effective implementation of public policies since there are no clear directives that can be followed.

Vague policy communication is useful in cases where Congress and the president do not know what to do about a problem. They create an impression to the service recipient that something is being done to solve a problem. They give the president and Congress an opportunity to avoid taking responsibility for any unpopular actions that administrators must take to implement new principles. ReferencesFonow, M. M., and Cook, J. A. (2014). Feminist methodology: New applications in the academy and public policy.

 Signs, 40(1). Hayes, A. S. (2013). Mass Media Law: The Printing Press to the Internet. Petersen: Peter Lang Publishers.

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