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The Qur'an Modern Interpretations - Literature review Example

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The paper "The Qur'an Modern Interpretations" establishes Carl Ernst indicates it is imperative for the world to read Qur’an to avoid misinterpretation of Muslim believes. Mona Siddiqui considers Qur’an a direct God's word, it should not be changed and it should be used for prayers and worship. …
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The Quran Modern Interpretations
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14th September Comparative Book Review: Carl Ernst’s and Mona Siddiqui’s books Introduction As the need to make their readers fully understand the concepts covered in their publications increases, authors use different concepts. Besides making their books interesting, authors are supposed to ensure that the information they cover in their books are useful to other scholars and researchers who may need the book in their studies. The filed of religion, is one of the areas that is characterized by a number of authors. Two of the renowned authors who have greatly contributed in the field of religion include Carl Ernst and Mona Siddiqui with the former having written How to Read the Quran: A New Guide, with Select Translations while the latter came up with How to Read the Qur’an. Carl Ernst is a renowned Professor of Islamic study at the University of North Carolina. Having received various awards such as the 2004 Bashrahil Prize for Outstanding Cultural Achievement, Ernst has embarked on extensive research to produce quality books. He obtained his Ph.D in 1981 from Harvard University. On his part, Mona Siddiqui was born in 1963 and she is concerned with Muslim academic ideologies. She is a professor of Islamic and interreligious studies at the University of Edinburgh and thus considers the traditions of Muslims and worship. The Qur’an is a holy Islam scripture which is read by one billion Muslims worldwide. The scriptures are regarded as the direct word of God, timeless and unchanged and thus respect should be honored to the scriptures. The relationship between the Muslims and God is shown in the book and thus in times of prayers and worship it can be used. The themes of love, attribute of God, obedience and sin among others are observed by the traditions and thus Siddiqui stresses on how the billions of Muslims use the Qur’an. The aim is to make sure that they are going to breathe new life either following their traditions, social beliefs, ethical aspects among others between Muslims and non Muslims. Reasons why the authors have written these books How to Read the Quran: A New Guide, with Select Translations, is a book that was written after some events that have occurred in various parts of the world where Qur’an has been involved. The book was published in 2011 by The University of North Carolina Press. Carl Ernst was inspired by the recent occurrences such as the burning of Qur’an that was through an accident in Afghanistan as well as the provocation of the extremists American Christian pastors (Ernst 25). In addition, Ernst noted that various lawsuits as well as anger have emerged due to the suggestions that the westerners have been advised to read the Qur’an in order to have a better understanding of its components. As a result, there has been emerged a gap and various challenges that Ernst aims at bridging (Carl 19 ).Ernst first approach involved coming up with effective ways of ensuring that the non-Muslims read the Qur’an. In this regard, he introduces the book by providing a historical approach that makes the readers have a clear idea of how the Qur’an original audience knew about it via the sequential reading. By providing the periods that includes Meccan, later Meccan and later the Medinana during Muhammad’s career, Carl Ernst ensures new readers understand the structure that is adopted by the book (David 13). Notable aspect that Ernst ensures is to creating a balance between the verses while at the same time making sure that the text is informative. The major goals of How to Read the Quran: A New Guide, with Select Translations as indicated by Ernst is to make the book be easily accessible to the non-Muslims, motivate future Qur’anic scholars, and making the readers understand the Muslims policies and opinions as well as their culture. The central aim for writing the book How to Read the Quran was to make sure that the Muslims who read the Qur’an in everyday as a devotional exercise will understand and be able to breathe new life. Additionally, the Muslims intermingle with non Muslims and thus the social and ethical relations are a major concern to the Qur’an between the Muslims and non-Muslims. The book is read by all the Muslims and thus the importance to understand the intellectual traditions and the popular worship of the Muslims. Another reason why Siddiqui wrote the book is based on the fact that the Muslims must follow the classical Islamic law (Mona 69). The laws are the key aspects and thus the laws are allowed even by the Muslims traditions. Lastly the Muslims and Christian are brothers and the reason why Siddiqui writes and speaks on Christian- Muslim issues. Most interesting things about the book’s subject One of the most interesting things about the book How to Read the Quran: A New Guide is that it is quite illuminating as well properly written making it a good companion of the Qur’an. A good example of how Ernst makes his readers to properly understand the concepts covered in the book is that he translates several suras, provides insight on the structure of the suras in addition to indicate their connection with the Biblical works. I agree with the Ernst idea of translating the suras since one of the key aspects that demotivates readers regardless of the area is lack of understanding the languages. It is vital however, to note that the author does not provide full translation but allows readers to dive into the book and discover more things. This is quite a good approach of creating a strong connection between the book and the readers. According to most of the non-Muslim, Qur’an can just be summarized, quoted, glorified or dissected. However, Ernst indicates that the Qur’an can actually be read and be easily understood. Thus, non-Muslims can use Qur’an to better understand the Muslims culture and this can be a great step in solving the conflicts that has been experienced in some parts of the world between the Muslims and non-Muslims (Ali 41). Ernst’s book provides the students and other learners with a pointer thus making it possible for them to locate various concepts in the book. The book which has an attractive title page is unique in that as compared to some other religion books; its title is in English language thus making the non-Muslims English speakers to be interested in reading the book. Another concept that makes How to Read the Quran: A New Guide to attract the attention of its readers is that it provides up to date information on Qur’anic studies. As a result, the scholars and religious researchers can get resourceful information. The most interesting thing about the book by Mona Siddiqui is that it indicates that Qur’an is a closed book that Muslims are allowed to read, recite and obey. If one obeys the Qur’an then other things will be optional and one has a direct link with God (Mona 11) . Another interesting thing is that when the Qur’an is read, one has the power and guidance where she or he will be able to interpret and change the situations. Furthermore, the society must maintain the social cultural and environmental changes so that one will be able to interpret the Qur’an in the correct way. Author’s thesis points and themes Love One of the notable themes that Ernst portrays in his book is that of love among the world residents regardless of their religion. According to the author, there is need to respect and appreciate all religions. This is indicated by the use of judicious approach model by the book that provides an opportunity where Jews, Christians, Muslims as well as other people in other faiths to read the Qur’an and share the information about what they derive from the holy book (Graham ).I totally agree with the use of the theme of love. This is based on the fact that by preaching love among the people from different religion, peace will prevail in the world and people will appreciate diversity. On his part, Mona Siddiqui portrays love through how Muslims approaches the Qur’an with beloved ones in whatever case and thus any interpretation of individuals where the tradition, social and economic aspects must be based on the Qur’an. The theme of love as addressed in the book review is a commitment love and thus the Qur’an teaches the individuals to love each other. This is explained by the Qur’an as how it answers difficult questions on the beloved individuals. It is important to take a keen interest for a relationship between the lovers and thus relationship between individuals and the Qur’an too must be good (Tuttle 61). In the book How to read the Qur’an, Siddiqui explains it well that the Qur’an must be approached through questions and arguments. It is taught in the Qur’an that one should not worship something else other than God. God loves all the people and thus the reason why the Qur’an is there so that one can read and wrestle with it and find the answers. Love to others should be unconditional just the way individuals read the Qur’an in day to day basis. I agree with the theme of love since like how individual reads the Qur’an on daily basis it should be portrayed on the families’ matters and individuals in the society among others. Cultural values Professor Ernst also portrays the theme of is cultural values. Non-Muslim are mostly unaware of the Muslims believes. Thus the book provides adequate translation of 725 Quranic verses thus creating an opportunity for readers to get information that touches on Muslim believes. Based on the importance of cultural values, I agree with Professor Ernst on how he attributes the importance of knowing the Muslim culture. In the book How to read the Qur’an, traditional practices are valued a lot. The reason behind this is based on the fact that traditions promotes the customs, beliefs, social and even ethical practices that were performed from generations to the next. This means that duties and responsibilities should be taught from individuals to the other depending whether it addresses the twentieth century or not (Ibrahim and Azhari 56). This is encouraged by the Holy Book since Muslims generally pass generations to the other which should not be undermined because if one undermines it then one is violating the Holy Book. These traditions shape the society and thus one should be fully committed to follow the traditions. I disagree with the thesis since we are revolving around the 21st century and some of traditions are outdated. Education and career development Another notable theme that Ernst portrays in his book is that of education or career development. Professor Ernst introduces the book in a manner that makes the student to be aware of the roles of Qur’an in the development of Islamic (Abdel 34). Similarly, the book offers scholarship that entails contemporary and historical concepts that provides useful background for religion studies students and researchers. Similarly, Mona Siddiqui work is important to scholars since it provides adequate information that is stored in the libraries both electronic and physical. . I agree with this theme since it makes the religious instructors to have adequate history on the matters relating to Qur’an and Islamic religion. Conclusion In his How to Read the Quran: A New Guide, with Select Translations, Professor Carl Ernst indicates that it is imperative for the world to read Qur’an and know the information that it contains in order to avoid misinterpretation of the Muslim believes. The book unique approaches make it a preference for students and religion instructors. According to Mona Siddiqui, the Qur’an is a direct word of God, it should not be changed and thus the book should be used for prayers and worship. It is vital that just like how Mona Siddiqui and Professor Carl Ernst have come up with ways of educating the readers on various aspects that relates to Qur’an, it is my view that emerging authors undertake extensive research in order to have updates information that is acceptable to the readers. Works Cited Abdel, S. Oxford Worlds Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. Print. Ali, U. The Quran with Annotated Interpretation in Modern English. New York: Tughra Books, 2008.Print. Carl, E. How to Read the Quran: A New Guide, with Select Translations. North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press, 2011.Print. David, P. Muhammad Is Not the Father of Any of Your Men: The Making of the Last Prophet. Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009.Print. Ernst, W. From the Heart of the Quran Belt. Religious Studies News. Retrieved July 2, 2013. Graham, E. Turkey and the Arab Spring: Leadership in the Middle East. New York: Bozorg Press, 2014. Print. Ibrahim, Y. and Azhari Z. I can read the Quran anywhere!. Markfield, Leicestershire, U.K.: Islamic Foundation, 2006. Print. Mona , S. How to read the Qur’an. London: Granta Books, 2007. Print. Tuttle, R. Shortening the leap: from honest doubt to enduring faith. Anderson, Ind.: Bristol House, 2008. Print. Read More
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