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Culture latinos - Assignment Example

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According to Ana, her husband Miguel changed for the worst soon after their marriage. His verbal and physical abuses have made her psychologically ill. She is facing…
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Culture latinos
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COUNSELING LATINOS & LATINAS al Affiliation) IntroductionAna is a 39 years old woman who has been married to her husband for 21 years and had with him two children. According to Ana, her husband Miguel changed for the worst soon after their marriage. His verbal and physical abuses have made her psychologically ill. She is facing nightmares, irritability, depression, and anxiety even after they separated. This paper discusses the remedies offered by a counselor to help Ana in her recovery from the suffered abuses.

Question oneAs a counselor, I would not help Ana find ways to please her husband more often. Women generally tend to take responsibility and in some instances blame for all the negative occurrences, failure, and painful experiences. This is because most women believe that men are entitled to satisfaction of needs regardless of what a woman feels. A counselor’s role in Ana’s case would be to help her have care and compassion for herself and expect it significantly from others (Gaxiola, 2008).

Question two As a counselor, I would report Miguel’s abusive behavior to the proper authority. In therapeutic intervention, this is direct advocacy. Reporting Miguel’s abusive behavior would help improve Ana’s mental health by using the counselors’ knowledge to educate her on policies, laws, and jurisdictions. Additionally, this knowledge and expertise will help effect a situational change for Ana (Gaxiola, 2008).Question threeAs a counselor, I would provide Ana with information regarding shelters for battered women like her.

A counselor should avoid the tendency of applying psychotherapy in a way that encourages clients to get used to unfavorable environments and instead empower them to leave such environments or change them positively (Smith & Montila, 2006).Question fourI would help Ana to cope in a better way with her husband’s abusive manners. There should be truth in the overall overview of a patient’s case. That is, counselors should not overlook the capability of the client trying to cope with the abusive behaviors in trying to solve her problems.

The strategies may include modulation of anger, sensitive and tactful expression of it among others (Gaxiola, 2008). Question fiveI would not recommend Ana to speak with the attorney about the Violence against Women Act. Speaking to her Attorney would affect her wish to secure U.S citizenship, which can only be possible if she continues to stay with her abusive husband (Smith & Montila, 2006). Question SixI would help Ana develop a safety plan to protect herself from potential dangers of her husband’s abusive behavior.

I would help her prepare a list of names and phone numbers of people she may need to contact in case of an emergency. This safety plan would help her seek for assistance in case of exposure to physical abuse or unexpected occurrences that she cannot handle on her own (Smith & Montila, 2006).Question SevenAs a counselor, I would find a leader in Ana’s religious leader in Ana’s community and arrange a meeting with her parents to discuss her difficulties and their decreased compassion. Family members are reliable providers of material and emotional support to patients.

Lack of this support may lead to loneliness and anxiety of the patients. The meeting would help encourage Ana’s parents to support her. This would lead to a reduction in Ana’s anxiety (Gaxiola, 2008).Question EightI would provide Ana with information about resources that may be supportive to her recovery. Resources define patients’ well-being. Lack of basic resources undermines a patient’s well-being. As a counselor, for that reason, I would be obliged to share any relevant information to ensure the wellness of the client is good (Gaxiola, 2008).

Question NineAs a counselor, I would diagnose Ana with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Ana experiences irritability, nightmares, increased anxiety, and a feeling of lack of safety. These experiences are attributable to a patient’s response to trauma (Gaxiola, 2008).Question TenI would use a combination of relaxation techniques and CBT for Ana’s symptoms. This would help suppress the effect of the trauma and save her from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (Gaxiola, 2008).Question ElevenOne of the short-term goals I would set for Ana would be avoiding meeting her ex-husband.

This would help her do away with the mental picture of the pain and suffering she underwent from her ex-husband and avoid any relapse in her recovery. A long-term goal would be to try to live a positive life by not letting her situation affect how she relates with others. Spending time with her kids regularly and exercising would help her in mental recovery. She should show compassion to her children to ensure they do not suffer from her irritability (Smith & Montila, 2006). REFERENCESGaxiola, S. (2008).Depression in Latinos assessment, treatment, and prevention.

New York: Springer.Smith, R. L., & Montila, R. E. (2006).Counseling and family therapy with Latino populations: strategies that work. New York: Routledge.

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