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Post-War Evolution of The Aircraft Manufacturing Industry - Case Study Example

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This study "Post-War Evolution of The Aircraft Manufacturing Industry" evaluates the challenges and opportunities in the aircraft manufacturing industry following World War II as commercial and military aircraft evolved from piston-engine to high-performance, jet aircraft…
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Post-War Evolution of The Aircraft Manufacturing Industry
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The Aircraft Manufacturing Industry.Following the World War II, the Aircraft manufacturing industry underwent significant involvement in commercial and military aircraft. The engine developed from piston to high performance jet aircraft. The piston engine was very heavy, consumed a lot of fuel and had high maintenance requirements. The invention of high power engine opened up many opportunities to the jet developers as well as the engineers (Ebert and Army War College, 1997). However, this came with some challenges.

After the World War II, there was an urgent need of high power engines that could propel jets at a very high speed. The speed was required in both the military and commercial jets. The piston engine was improved into powered engine that could propel the jet at a speedhigher than that of sound. The jet engine is based on the Newton’s law of motion. The reactor in engine generates thrust through propulsion that makes the jet to move very fast. This was a very great milestone to the jet evolvement.

Throughout the development of aircraft engine, engineers faced the challenges of trial and error where they overlooked some of the key aspects that they had to review.The new jets with high power engines lacked hydraulic flight control systems that were very important in a flight, air conditioning and ejection seats among others. Engineers had to come up with other models that would accommodate new modifications for a stable flight. The engineers wanted to make a jet that could easily maneuver on air.

During this period, many different jets became obsolete before they made the great innovation due to the trial and error.After World War II, the engineers decided to improve the reliability of the aircrafts that could be used for both military and commercial purposes. They wanted a jet that can fly under harsh weather conditions without losing its stability. To achieve this engineers spend lots of time to perfect on the high power engines. There was also the challenge of making the engine powerful without increasing its weight.

The bigger the engine, the more powerful it is. The engineers had to choose the effective materials that would make a big, reliable and light engineThe engineers also faced the challenge of making an engine that will be economical in fuel consumption. With time, the engineers came up with an engine that could propel the plane across the ocean with less fuel than what the piston engine consumed (Albert and Army War College, 1997). The development of this engine had a very great social impact on the people.

The new jets were used greatly for commercial purpose more than military therefore influencing the lives of many people across the continent.Although the evolvement of high power engines was a great breakthrough in the development of the jet engine, many engineers thought it was easy to develop the engines. However, the industry proved hard with time. The making of highly powerful and efficient engines required high expertise to make the engine perfect. They did not take enough time to understand the technology behind the new engine.

The emergent of the power jet engine led to manufacturing of the jets with high capacity for passengers for commercial purposes. Military jets were also developed with high capacity to carry enough armory for warfare. The invention of high power engine influenced the current jet manufacturing technology. Most of the planes currently are made using the technology of high power engine discovered after the piston engine technology.ReferencesTop of FormBottom of FormEbert, D. E., & Army War College (U.S.). (1997). The evolution of revolution: Application of information technology in military logistics.

Carlisle Barracks, Pa: U.S. Army War College.

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