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Euthyphro: Discussion between Socrates and Euthyphro Is Focused on the Definition of Piety - Essay Example

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The author of "Euthyphro: Discussion between Socrates and Euthyphro Is Focused on the Definition of Piety" paper discusses Euthyphro, one of the most famous short dialogues by Plato. Their masterful technique of Socrates is an example of perfect argumentation…
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Euthyphro: Discussion between Socrates and Euthyphro Is Focused on the Definition of Piety
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Euthyphro gives six definitions of piety. The most appealing and final one is Piety is knowledge of how-to and sacrifice and pray" (14a-15b).

We have further proof that it is the most relevant definition because, to the well-known philosopher Kierkegaard, the most precious role the Christian religious play in our life is forgiveness. Thus, for humans, it is very important to reach the highest degree of love, which can be given to humans by gods instead of prayer and sacrifice.

There is constant arguing between Socrates and Euthyphro. At first, Socrates rejects an example of piety provided by Euthyphro (5d). The second definition of piety given by Euthyphro is also criticized by Socrates. Socrates in this dialogue is positioned like a patient polemist. Therefore, Socrates step by step claims that pious is pious because he has certain reasons for that.

Socrates attempts to define piety himself. For this philosopher piety “is a species of the genius ‘justice’” (12d). Moreover, Socrates suggests finding moral oddness in pious actions. At the same time h,e offers to differentiate between just and pious actions.

On the one hand, it may sound weird and may seem too simplistic, when Euthyphro suggests the final and the best definition of piety. He introduces mutually beneficial relationships between gods and humans: people are providing gifts to gods and gods favor them in turn. The most beneficial notion made by Euthyphro is that gifts given to gods do not have a commercial basis.  Gifts given to gods are honor, Esteem, and favor (15a).

Consequently, this short dialogue written by Plato is a chain of ethical and logical concerns, which result in the final definition of piety. For modern readers, it is very interesting to follow the idea of ancient philosophers and see a possible way of making judgments about complicated issues. The issue of piety is rather complicated because it is hard to differentiate it from just and respect.

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