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ICT in Health and Social Care - Coursework Example

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The study tells that ICT has been imperative in an enhancement of treatment of certain dominant and derogatory diseases in health and social care such as dementia. Medical professionals have had breakthroughs in managing dementia patients through ICT enabled personalization in action activities…
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ICT in Health and Social Care
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 Target groups Service users Care workers Care organizations Benefits of using ICT ICT have been imperative in enhancement of treatment of certain dominant and derogatory diseases in health and social care such as dementia. Medical professionals have had breakthroughs in managing dementia patients through ICT enabled personalization in action activities. The health and social care workers employs ICT enabled applications in engaging dementia patients. For instance, social and health care workers can use music and ICT in improving independence of dementia patients. ICT have the potential of enabling selection of specified tracks of audio playing music that assists dementia patients in identifying their favorite online lyrics. Consequently, the patients can effectively use music related computer programs and even musical ICT in Health and Social Care instruments including piano. Such ICT enabled ability gives impaired dementia patients an extra edge in overcoming their condition and remaining in control of favorite activities. In such circumstances of effective treatment and management of disease conditions, service users directly benefits from ICT applications. Moreover, health and social care workers also finds ease in managing complicated diseases including dementia that have no definite cure. ICT has been imperative in improving transfer and referral of patients at a faster and systematic way than before1. The innovative computer system enables health and social care workers in effective delivery and communication of health referral services with other fellow staff in different regions around the globe. Besides, health and social care service users such as patients have found it easier, convenient, and reliable in accomplishing their activities al through the world despite medical complications. The service users understands that through effective use of ICT, their information can easily remain accessible to other care workers although the world. It is imperative to note that ICT have enabled health and social organizations to reliably accept and refer patients to other locations at inexpensive costs and faster rate. Such achievement owed to ICT enabled systems including patients information database have been essential in improving care organizations’ operations and other health and social activities. ICT has also been indispensable in storage of patient records in databases. Such information remains essential for easier retrieval of patient information during making of effective health care decisions. The ability to easily retrieve and store patient data has enabled care workers in management and tracking of patient records during health care treatment. Moreover, the patient database systems have enabled care organizations to effectively administer costs and management related issues relating to business operations. ICT based technology have great accuracy, faster operations, and minimal corruption cases. Such cutting edge ability of ICT has led to faster delivery of health and social care services. ICT has enabled social workers to easily identify potential study zones and keep records of social work. It is imperious to note that social care provision requires greater understanding of cultural beliefs and values in general or relating to health. Comprehensive understanding of social factors relating to service users including patients is essential for health and social care workers in ensuring better health outcomes and initiating fruitful communication interaction with the patient. ICT have made the aforementioned requirements relating to comprehensive understanding of social factors by enabling accessibility of integrated information from the internet. There exist numerous comprehensive social factors information on similar patient conditions with specific cultures of interest or concern that enables care providers in understanding their patients and making informed health decisions. Moreover, ICT is essential in ensuring faster communication in health care administration through emails. Efficient administration is imperative in realization of faster provision of health and social care. Care organizations directly benefits from the administrative abilities of information technology in management of workers and clients. Service user benefits by receiving timely and efficient health and social care services. Moreover, administrative information systems have been domineering in ensuring effective implementation of patient hospital charges and costs and maintenance of workers records. The administrative information systems assist care organizations in filling important information relating to health and social workers, stakeholders, and patients. Such information remains imperative in making relevant administrative information in ensuring effective governance of care organizations towards realization of improved health outcomes. Furthermore, adoption of ICT has led to improved interaction of health and social care professionals besides improving team work and sharing of ideas. Health and social care workers can easily interact through social sites and emails while discussing health issues and ensuring imperative information. Therefore, ICT encourages team work amongst health and social care workers while promoting interaction with care organization administration. Integration of information technology in health and social care has enabled access of health information through educative sites. Information available in the health and social care educative sites are indispensable for care workers for making accurate decisions regarding patient conditions. Care workers can easily retrieve imperative information relating to health and social care that assists them in accomplishing their daily activities and realization of better health outcomes. Moreover, health and social care professionals can easily share their research and publication throughout the world by use of ICT systems. Impacts of legal considerations on the use of ICT There exists two fundamental law related concerns of using ICT in health and social care. Such legal area concerns include Data protection Act and Health and safety regulations. Care organizations and workers must ensure that they comply with legislations to avoid legal problems and other public related concerns. Moreover, service users should comprehend the regulations to enable them demand their rights and receive the most effective health and social care. The Data protection Act requires ICT users to obtain and use data fairly while ensuring confidentiality. The legislation requires that health and social care providers must use patient data lawfully while maintaining fairness. In lawful use of patient data or any other information, the latter have to consent. Such legislation restricts care providers and organizations from inappropriately using patient data for other activities that remains out of interest for the service user. In addition, clients must have access to their health related data whenever appropriate. Data protection Act principles require that patient information should remain restricted only to the intended use and purpose for holding. Such principle restricts health and social care providers from using patient obtained data in unrelated purposes that remains out of the latter’s interest. Data protection Act also requires that patient information should only remain under use at the time when it is required and not any other period. Therefore, the principle restricts access of patient personal information at a time of absence of the latter. Moreover, the legislation requires that health and social care workers keep updated and accurate patent information that remains related to health issues. Furthermore, data protection Act stipulates that patient information should remains under strict security to avoid potential alteration. The health and safety Act of 1974 confers protection to health and social care workers that uses ICT. Such legal protection including equipment safety and trailing wires directly affects how health and social care workers use ICT. The legislation remains imperative in ensuring that social and health care workers do not remain physically or mentally affected by using ICT systems including computers. The act ensures minimal impact of environmental health issues related to use of ICT in health and social care. Such environmental concerns include possible pollution that may result from activities related to direct use of ICT services. Moreover, health and safety regulation ensures that health and social care workers receives maximum equipment safety. The systems used in ICT must not cause derogatory effects to the users including eye defects. References Cruz-Cunha, Maria M, Isabel M. Miranda, and Patricia Goncalves. Handbook of Research on Icts for Human-Centered Healthcare and Social Care Services. Hershey, Pa: Medical Information Science Reference, 2013. Read More
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(ICT in Health and Social Care Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words, n.d.)
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ICT in Health and Social Care Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 Words.
“ICT in Health and Social Care Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 Words”, n.d.
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