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Critical Reflection Feedback - Assignment Example

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Critical Reflection Feedback Insert name Insert institution Reflection When I joined nursing school, I knew that my new life would now be confined in a hospital setting. Every time I would be giving shots or medicine to patients. This weird misconception changed the day .I was required to conduct a hand washing education program and teach students proper hygiene at Queens Elizabeth Public school…
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Critical Reflection Feedback Insert Insert Reflection When I joined nursing school, I knew that my new life would now be confined in a hospital setting. Every time I would be giving shots or medicine to patients. This weird misconception changed the day .I was required to conduct a hand washing education program and teach students proper hygiene at Queens Elizabeth Public school. It also had four classes for the disabled children. I was freaked out by the fact that I was supposed to teach pupils of Kindergarten to grade eight.

This included those with disabilities. How was that going to happen? In addition, how am I going to teach them? Will they understand anything? These were among the question I frequently asked myself. I have never stood in front of class let alone teach small kids. However, at the end, it all worked out. I did not believe that I really taught the kids proper hand washing practices. How was that even possible? I realized that I learned a lot from the experience. I learnt that you have to be soft and caring to handle kids.

You also have to improve your communication skills and learn these kids. You have to be very friendly and playful for the kids to love you. These were important skills I developed that helped me. Disabled kids needed acceptance and love in the society. Learning facial expressions and signs helped me a lot in dealing with both the kindergarten kids and those with disabilities. Learning these skills made it easy for me to conduct the whole teaching program. Being a young, I felt it was very hard for me to complete the task.

I felt that the kids would not take me seriously. At first, I did not even have the guts to introduce myself. I had never given a speech in front of a crowd so I was very shy. But with time, I got used to the kids. We could communicate well and the kids found me to be very friendly. I also had to build a good relationship with the teachers. I remember several times we visited each other and talked a lot. Creating a friendly environment with the teachers and the kids made me to be very free with everyone.

The fear disappeared. I felt accepted and conducted the hand washing program with ease. I also noted the importance of allowing kids with disabilities to attend the same schools with ordinary kids. In many parts of the world children with disabilities attend their own special schools where they are isolated from the rest of the society (McConkey, 2001, pp. 9-10). Allowing kids with disabilities to attend same schools with ordinary kids increases their chances of learning more from the other kids through interaction.

It also enhances their participation in the life of the community (McConkey, 2001). Most of the disabled kids are isolated from the society. Some are even hidden away from other ordinary people. This deprives them the opportunity to learn and develop in life. Letting kids with disabilities attend ordinary schools with other kids improves their learning abilities. I assume here that there is interaction between the disabled kids and the rest of the kids. It is through this interaction that disabled kids can gain.

One of the hand washing practices is washing hands with soap after using the toilet. One day, a small boy asked why I was not washing my hands while I tell them to wash. I learnt that I had to wash my hands first before they could wash. I had to set an example. Kids imitate gestures from their parents and other older people before even understanding the importance (Cynthia Cress, 1998). This is particularly true for kids with disabilities. I learnt that we as older people need to show good examples kids for them to learn good habits.

This insight can be helpful in future because when kids grow up, they will have developed good habits that are essential for a society. This is because children hold the future of any society. There is a gap in assessing whether kids with disabilities are really interacting with other kids in ordinary schools. I think other ordinary kids exclude the disabled. This should not be the case if we want the impaired kids to learn faster. A good strategy to ensure this is through introduction of curricula that emphasizes on equality to all children.

Teachers and other adults in the society should set a good example by accepting kids with disabilities as part of society. References Cynthia Cress, T. A. (1998). Gestural Imitation and Contigent Parent Responses in Nonspeaking Children with Impairments. McConkey, R. (2001). Understanding and Responding to Children's Needs in Inclusive Classrooms. Paris: UNESCO.

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