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Communication paper - Essay Example

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My friend and I were discussing about some possible things to do this coming weekend because it’s the only free time we can hang around. Usually, both of us are busy with our studies in…
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Communication paper
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Analysis of a Conversation Using Communication Models The communication case is a conversation between friends that involves two people. My friend and I were discussing about some possible things to do this coming weekend because it’s the only free time we can hang around. Usually, both of us are busy with our studies in different schools so seeing each other on a weekend is an opportunity to have some fun. My friend called dropped by at my house so we can make some plans for the weekend. The Shannon-Weaver Model of linear communication states five basic factors which includes sender, message, transmitter, receiver, destination and noise (Shannon, 1948).

In the conversation, the sender was my friend who sent a message to me by directly asking me my plans for the weekend. The question was clearly transmitted to me by my friend to which I responded positively. It was apparent that I am the receiver of the message and transmission was immediately achieved since I answered my friend with choices of places that we can visit. I also suggested some things that we can do like watch a movie or just play games in my room. In a way, there was noise between the message since I was excited by the fact that my friend is back so anything is possible.

My friend’s message was clearly transmitted because that is also what I had in mind. Using the linear communication model, the conversation was successful because both parties were very optimistic and looked forward to the topic. If I were to analyze the conversation using simultaneous transactional model, it can be said that I was able to give a positive feedback, the message was decoded very well. I know that my friend has the best intention why he invited me so I relied on that belief. Even before my friend my called me up, I was already anticipating some invitation from this person.

The conversation seemed very simple indeed but there lies many important lessons in communication. First of all, messages are can be easily decoded by the receiver when the person receiving the message feels positive about the sender. Since the message was transmitted by a close friend whom I trust, it was not hard to send a good feedback. Of course, this is not applicable in all times since noise can also be an obstacle in decoding the message. I could be experiencing some problems that my friend doesn’t know which can elicit a cold response.

Probably, I could be feeling ill at that time and would not want to displease my friend so I just accepted the idea.No matter what the case maybe, there is another important lesson in communication that all of us must remember – that the messages sent by a sender would be influenced by many factors as shown by the receiver’s response. Relationships can strain or improve communication among people depending if the previous experience with the person is good or bad. Truly, relationship is a complicated process that must be carefully considered especially by the sender especially if he or she is sending a message to the public.

Whatever we say to other people, can always be misinterpreted so we need to be very careful to avoid misunderstanding.Works CitedShannon, C. E. A Mathematical Theory of Communication The Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 27, pp. 379-423, 623-656, July, October, 1948.

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