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Issue of Regional Floods - Coursework Example

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The paper "Issue of Regional Floods" highlights that Arizona is frequently plagued by floods, and both flash floods and regional floods transpire often in this area. Regional floods involve large and small river systems, like the Colorado, Salt, Gila, and Verde Rivers…
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Issue of Regional Floods
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Flash floods commonly occur during Arizona’s monsoon season and are chiefly caused by short-lived rainfall (Arizona's Geologic Hazard Center, 2006).
Some of the losses associated with floods are the damage caused to farmlands. Flooding also damages roads, collapses bridges, and results in traffic congestion; which may affect day-to-day life. Moreover, flooding spreads infectious diseases like military fever, pneumonic plague, dermatographia, dysentery, common cold-type A, and breakbone fever (Effects of Flooding, 2004).
ADEM administers the flood management assistance program, on behalf of the federal government. It constitutes the major source of funds that are deployed for the express purpose of flood mitigation. In addition, the ADEM spreads awareness, regarding the basic steps that everyone must adopt, as part of flood damage mitigation activities. As such, concerning floods, the ADEM has a comprehensive mitigation and risk response plan (Floods, 2003).

Question Two

The skeletal muscles are muscles that are directly attached to the bones by the tendons. They are made up of striated muscle tissue. These muscles permit the movement of joints, by the forces that they bring to bear on the bones. Such force is the result of the contractions and expansions that these muscles undergo. Skeletal muscles are under voluntary control. This can be understood as conscious control from the brain that generates signals that simulate the movement of these muscles.
Smooth muscles are involuntary, non-striated, and present in hollow organs, such as the bladder and the blood vessels. They can be simulated directly by the central nervous system. The autonomous nervous system generates signals that control the movement of these muscles, which are rhythmic and automatically controlled.
The cardiac muscle is a striated muscle, found in the heart. To ensure coordinated contractions and relaxations for the proper pumping of blood, the electrical signals must be sent to the correct muscle of the heart, at the appropriate time. This muscle has an interesting mode of simulation, that is via the special pacemaker cells, located in the sinoatrial node (SA node), in the central nervous system. This muscle is under involuntary control. Read More
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