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Book Review of Original Work-Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method by Blumer - Essay Example

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Louis, Missouri on 7th April 1900. His book entitled, Symbolic interactionism: perspective and method, gave him much popularity among the sociologists who conducted grave studies and contributed much…
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Book Review of Original Work-Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method by Blumer
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The author could find out differences as well as similarities, (especially as a study on human group life) in the findings of the sociologists regarding symbolic interactionism. Blumer forms the thesis of the book by stating that, “There has been no formulation of the position of symbolic interactionism, and above all, a reasoned statement of the methodological position of this approach is lacking” (p.1). The author, in this book attempts to study the topic by dividing it into three stages.

First stage is an attempt to outline the nature of symbolic interactionism, then identifying the guiding principles of methodology in the case of empirical science, and finally discussing the methodological position of symbolic interactionism (p.2). While reading through the pages of the book, it is understood that Blumer mainly focuses on three core principles to the theory namely, meaning, language, and thought. Regarding the nature of symbolic interactionsm, Blumer exposes three premises. Blumer firstly identifies that meaningful communication occurs in context.

Secondly, meaning arises out of social interaction. Thirdly, interpretation handles or modifies meaning. Blumer here explains how interpretation and relationship construct meaning. To make it clear, the author writes, “…human beings act toward things on the basis of the meaning of that thing” (P.3). Symbolic interactionism holds the view point that meaning is the centre of human behavior by which human beings approach things or man. The author wins in his attempt to describe the way man attribute meanings to symbols and objects from their perceptions.

Groups also play a vital role in the overall process of creating meaning. This book is really effective for one to recognize the way man creating meaning in his life. Symbolic interactionism shut its door against the

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