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What Makes an Effective Team Work - Essay Example

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Although human is the most intelligent creature on this planet, however, it is an observation that such creature often makes mistakes as well, and…
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What Makes an Effective Team Work
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In some situations, one type offers the most benefits, and in some other circumstances, other type of team can be fruitful in achieving the expected outcomes. However, in order to understand the effectiveness of teamwork, the paper will now discuss some of the different types of teams that will allow an efficient understanding of teamwork. Analysis of the material related to teams has indicated that different experts and researchers have identified and categorized teams into different types that will take more than this paper.

For this reason, this paper will discuss some of the most common and effective types of teams that will be worthy of a discussion. As the name says itself, peer means someone that is almost of the same characteristics of the other. In this regard, peer workgroups usually involves individuals that possess the same attributes; however, such attributes can vary and depend on setting of the workgroup. For instance, an evident example of peer-to-peer workgroup is an educational class in the school that involves children or students of the same age group (DuBrin, pp. 77-81). The basic notion of peer-to-peer workgroup is an informal platform that provides an opportunity to the team members to achieve the objectives while learning and complementing each other.

One of the significant characteristics of peer-to-peer workgroup that it although caters individuals of the same age group or same class or same interest, such as music, art, etc. However, it always consists of various diverse attributes of the team members, such as different socio-economic status, different race, etc that makes peer-to-peer group an efficient and natural way of interacting with each other. Until now, the paper discussed an informal type of workgroup that involves peer-to-peer learning; however, additive and conjunctive are both formal types of teams that enable the team members to work formally to achieve the

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What Makes an Effective Team Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 Words.
“What Makes an Effective Team Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 Words”, n.d.
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