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Quantitative Data Analysis 5 - Essay Example

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In order to test customer perception of quality of service at four-star hotels in the UK, a ten-question survey is administered to a total of 50 participants. This survey also takes into account demographic elements, such as the gender and age of the participants, in order to…
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Quantitative Data Analysis 5
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se figures, it may be noted that in general, the participants have not provided a very high rating on any of the questions, rather the average result for most of these questions is an overall “Fair”, although some aspects rate slightly higher than others. For example, Q5 which rates the facilities in the room gets the highest average rating, while the availability of tourist facilities is ranked the lowest. It may also be noted that on an overall basis 24 respondents have responded in the negative to the question of whether they are satisfied overall with the quality of service, which is about 48% of the sample.

One important aspect to be tested in this survey on quality is the extent to which the levels of service available meet the expectations of the respondents. The quality of service is said to be the gap between customer expectations and the actual performance they receive. (Parasuraman et al, 1994; Tsang and Qu, 2000). Therefore, it is this aspect that will determine whether or not the four star hotels are delivering the levels of quality of service that are expected. Q8 tests the extent to which front desk services met the expectations of the participants, Q 9 tests the quality of the room and Q10 tests the quality of housekeeping services.

As demonstrated above, only a few respondents have accorded a rating of 4, in terms of the level of service meeting their expectations. Most respondents rate this variable between 2 and 3, although one respondent gives it a very negative ranking of 1. As shown above, there are a higher percentage of respondents who appear to have accorded this variable a favorable ranking of 3 to 4. None of the respondents ranks this as low as 1, while there are only a few who have ranked this variable at 2. Therefore, on an overall basis, it appears that the facilities in the room have tended to meet the expectations of customers fairly favorably.

In this case, a greater percentage of respondents have ranked this at 2 or 3,

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