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General nursing skills - Essay Example

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I will be identifying the skills that I have garnered or improved and analyse how these skills will be of value when I am organising and…
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General nursing skills
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I will also be discussing them in this assignment how important the skills I garnered will be in my future profession. The purpose of reflection is basically looking back at an event or time and analysing the emotions, feelings and other things involved at that point in time. Reflection usually involves questions such as “What went well?” and “How did I feel at that time?” Normally, reflection is done spontaneously, not based on formula. It normally occurs when feelings, emotions and thoughts about a particular event gradually surface (Atkins & Murphy 1994).

However, there is no use in reflecting upon an activity if I the skills that I acquired during the activities and others that I improved upon will be going to waste. This is where the NHS framework is important. NHS knowledge and skills framework provides a comprehensive and consistent framework for review and development of a staff member. It determines and describes which knowledge and skills are important for staff to apply during at work and to deliver excellent services (Agenda for Change Project Team 2005).

The NHS knowledge and skills framework has several purposes. NHS knowledge and skills framework is based on good people management. It is involved in looking at how people would like to be treated and more importantly, how they should be treated. Because of these, one of the purposes of NHS knowledge and skills framework is to check on the development of services by investing in staff members. This is done so that the service provided has good standards and it meets the needs of the public (Agenda for Change Project Team 2005).

Another purpose of the NHS knowledge and skills framework is to support the learning process of the staff members, whether as a team or as an individual. It promotes effective learning and development. It aims to support the learning process of the members of the staff by letting them grow in various ways and

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