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Texas Government - Essay Example

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The comparison of the former Texas constitution with the United States constitution highlights the unique status of Texas in the history of the United States. No other state in the USA can boast of a background intrinsically entwined with other nations, viz…
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Texas Government
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(Texas Politics) There are striking similarities in these two constitutions. Both are founded on the cardinal principles of justice and equality towards all human beings irrespective of race and culture. They are identical in the framework of democratic rule of law based on division of powers between the legislature, the executive and the judiciary whilst exercising care to maintain balance of power amongst the three branches, viz. legislature, executive and judiciary, and protect the constitution from misuse or abuse of power by any individual.

The background of the Texas constitution coming in the wake of its independence from Spanish rule coincides with the background of the U.S. constitution which came into being after the United States attained its independence from British rule. (Constitution of the United States) The differences lie in the areas of religion, policies on slavery, and the manner of drafting the constitution. Roman Catholicism was adopted as state religion in the Texas constitution. The United States constitution is silent on any such preference on religion although its articles and emblems principally endorse a faith in God based on reason and research.

The Texas constitution consistently disapproved of slavery from its inception. The U.S. constitution dithered on the issue. The Texas constitution was drafted in a hurry and depended on U.S. constitution as source. The U.S. constitution was drafted in a pain-staking manner and required good amount of time and deliberations by the nation's founding fathers and legal experts. (Texas Politics)Texas PACEvery country, irrespective of its system of governance, has interest groups for noble causes such as education, human rights and environmental issues.

The Associated Conservatives of Texas Political Action Committee (ACTPAC) supports conservative causes and forces in Texas. It is primarily engaged in raising funds for organizations and individuals espousing conservative ideals and activities. Obviously, ACTPAC has a broad agenda of social, economic and political nature. From standing up for tax cuts to waging war on terrorism, ACTPAC has the capability and resource to influence change for the better through interactions with those in power as also the ordinary citizen.

Its officials are Jerry J. Mikus (Jr. Chairman), Mike McNamara (Vice Chairman and Secretary), Brian Russell (Treasurer), and Frank Alvarez (Consultant). The ACTPAC is headquartered at Austin, Texas, and by its very nature and form is beholden to the Conservative Party politically. As a political forum, ACTPAC is a multi-purpose body with a wide reach and powerful personalities to draw from. Its functions are modeled and organized to raise funds and gather support on critical issues affecting society as a whole.

(Associated Conservatives of Texas PAC)Case heard by the Texas Supreme CourtThe case no. 03-0647 is a petition for review from the Court of Appeals for the Ninth District of Texas. The petitioner is Evanston Insurance Company and the respondent is ATOFINA Petrochemicals, Inc. Matthew Todd Jones, an employee of Tripe S Industrial Corporation contracted by ATOFINA

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