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The world of Sports matematics - Research Paper Example

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This encompasses such activities as ballet, basketball, football, tennis, gymnastics and athletics among others. This is used not only in discussing the players’ statistics or…
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The world of Sports matematics
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Just to mention but a few, in crickets, it serves to establish the number of runs and to enumerate the total number of runs needed in each over, what is referred to as the run rate. This is critical in beating the opponent. The discipline also serves in majoring the courtyards in football and to mark the perimeter from say the mount all through to home plate in baseball. The field is often 100 yards long and so it is marked at an interval of 10 yards using a line. This brings about the center being 50 yards from either side and divides the two teams halfway apart.

In athletics otherwise referred to as sprints, mathematics is used to determine the speed of an individual relative to the opposition’s. This is achieved by determining two variables, which are the distance covered and the stride frequency. An interesting mathematical concept is involved in interpreting the speeds of any given athlete. To ascertain the technique best suits a sprinter in so far as take off is concerned, the athlete’s tangential slope is used to gauge his or her velocity. The results are then exposed to three modus operandi.

In order to establish who among the players is best based on performance and contribution of the match, mathematical concepts still set in. The number of passes he or she receives and the number of complete passes he makes are translated into numbers, counted and used to determine their performance throughout the season. Baseball for instance derives its popularity from statistics which was used to keep records and tracks from home runs. The major operations such as subtraction, division, addition and multiplication have been used to bring fourth analysis and rational judgments in matters of sports.

In football for example, there must be designated teams according to each pool and all these have to battle it out in order to secure a place on top of the pool. This in essence calls for counting of the number of goals scored, the

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