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Collection and Delivery of Letters and Packages - Essay Example

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This paper 'Collection and Delivery of Letters and Packages' tells us that the company provides expedited movement of letters, documents, and packages to a different point. The company maintains control over the shipment throughout the delivery process and often uses technology to monitor the location of each item. …
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Collection and Delivery of Letters and Packages
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Within the geographic market, ground transportation does not exceed 500 miles while air transport is reserved for longer distance and time-sensitive deliveries.

The service and value-added elements include collection from the point designated by the sender, release upon providing identification document and signing by the receiver, delivery confirmation, and guaranteed specific delivery time. The customer decides on when they want their letters or parcels delivered. The several choices available are categorized into today, the next day, the second day, or deferred delivery with several time deadlines (Hines and Rich, 56).

The company process item for shipment through a network of pickup drop-off center, operating centers, and airport hubs. The company at the ender’s location retrieves items. The sender brings the item to the drop-off location. Motorcycle, vans, or trucks to an operation center where they are sorted then transport the items. Items that are delivered over short distancers carried by trucks from operating centers and delivered to their final destination. Those items that are transported over a long distance are carried from an operating center to the origin airport hub where they are sorted again.  The item may travel further through one or more intermediate hubs before they reach another operating center near the recipient.  At the operating centers, the items are sorted once more, loaded into vans, and delivered directly to the recipient pick-up up location.

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