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Pay Backlash Prompt Shift to Bonuses - Assignment Example

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The paper 'Pay Backlash Prompt Shift to Bonuses' is a perfect example of a Management Assignment. The company’s objectives are to maximize shareholders' wealth by maximizing the worth of its stock in the security market; the managers of the company can only attain this by making the appropriate decision on the investment appraisal of the projects.  …
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Pay Backlash Prompt Shift to Bonuses Name: Lecturer: Course name: Course code: Date Question one Introduction The company’s objectives is to maximize shareholders wealth by maximizing the worth of its stock in the security market; the managers of the company can only attain this by making appropriate decision on the investment appraisal of the projects in which the company is to undertake (Galbraith 2008). Success of a company relies on the excellence of executive in adapting to varying situation as well as ability of the managers to respond promptly to changing business environment. Shareholders of a company will want to have good returns inform of dividend as well as excellent corporate governance due to investment appraisal and the managerial skills from the company’s executive (Canice 2007). The problem arising between the shareholders and the managers are as follows’ Relationship between pay and performance Managers’ compensation as received a lot of consideration in the current years and concern has arose on the manner in which managers are paid and not the concept of the worth they are paid (Galbraith 2008). Shareholders of the companies believe that the relationship between pay and performance is not mutually exclusive, they deem this links as scrawny, and consequently the connection needs additional consideration. Conflict of interest between the managers and the shareholders Stern disagreement of interest is depicted between the shareholder and managers. The disagreement is observed despite the fact that shareholders have a right to administer the company by way of voting during the company’s annual general meeting (Hernandez 2008). Their voting right can either appoint or sack the manager as well as either accepting the company’s statement of performance or appointing the auditors. The disagreement arises due to the following reasons; a) The company’s executives would prorate higher level of spending with minimal exhaustive work since their regarded aspects do not reduces their compensation and the worth of the company’s shares they own. b) Manager’s priorities is vested in investing on short term projects which are less risky with lower financial leverages since managers believe that the level of bankruptcy will be minimized and hence getting rid of losses on their administrative assets and portfolios (Stanley Morris 2009). However shareholders will have excess benefits due returns from manager’s intensive achievement s on ensuring that the company oriented goals and objectives are achieved within the financial years. The discrepancies between the managers and shareholder’s remuneration are not equitable since managers work load is inversely preoperational to amount of the remuneration they receive (Stanley Morris 2009). Many corporations vest the powers of decision making on the company’s objectives to the executives where manager’s should enhance the policies of the company to facilitate higher returns to the company which therefore enjoyed by the shareholders. For this reasons, the shareholders will maneuver the distribution limit to their advantage where their contribution towards achievements of the company’s objectives less as compared to that of a value-maximizing manager in achieving the set objectives. Reducing the agency cost and the conflict of interest between the managers and shareholders, advance compensation strategies should be adopted to enhance fair and equitable remuneration incentives. The incentives to decrease the disparity existing on remuneration and performances enticement between shareholder and manager’s should be critically established to enhance motivation on company’s performances and earnings that will also facilitate shareholders benefits (Charles T 2007). The extent to the expropriation of wealth from security owner is reliant upon the company’s dissent attributes as well as the executives control over these discrepancies. Therefore, it is predominantly essential to deem the company’s precise attributes when putting up the pertinent payment packages and incentives in disparity to the previous assessment, which have evaluated the consequence of executive payment on variance-altering judgment as well as the company performance (Canice 2007). The examination begins from the fundamental of utility hypothesis as well as the assets pricing to present an assessment of the company explicit distinctiveness necessary to employ a complete structure that will reduce the agency problems. Question two How equity as a pay component act to minimize horizon problem Offering equity based-compensation to key executives in the company would help the company cash flow; align incentives of the workers with the company shareholders as well as creating a sense of possession among the colleague in the company (William R 2009). The company can therefore use equity approach in the following progression to mitigate horizon problems. The company can issue share of common stock and then makes a vesting plan .this programs will hence allow the executives to earn a defined shares over some times (Stanley Morris 2009). Where managers are entitled to shares in the company, they will supervise the business with utmost due care while ensuring that the main motives of firm’s value maximization is attain. This is because executive will be part of the shareholders and loss to the company will have negative effect on the shareholders. The company should at these stage award stock options as a performance inducement. This is advantageous since there are advantages on taxation, economics as well as the financial. Option permits the workers to achieve from the triumphant of the corporation as well as reduces the tax consequences of the sum value of the compensation (Paul M 2009). Company management should reward executives with bonuses instead of cash since this will provide more enticement to the executives for the performance without straining on the scarce financial capital. This will make the company to minimize effect of horizon problem, attains its desired end-results as well as ensuring that the company’s executive is satisfied with the bonus option instead of cash (Hernandez 2008). This will make the liquidity position of the company strong and consequently surviving in the competitive market due to strong capital base accompanied with good corporate governance. Question three Purpose of including non-salary components in executive pay arrangement A better manager’s compensation plan starts and ends with superior governance and a well reputable compensation attitude, rule and practice in collaboration with the company’s goals and objectives (William R 2009). Therefore, good governance ought to incorporate peer group assessment as well appraisal of non-salary compensation package like the housing allowance, car allowances together with entertainment allowances (Stanley Morris 2009). This should offer for performance measurement, which undoubtedly characterize the accomplishment of the business since the non-salary components would preserve the service of the executives or compensate their excellent performance in the company. Question four The reasons for executive’s preference on short-term cash over-long-term equity bonuses Managers of a company would prefer short-term cash since their bonuses would be base on their performance implying that better performance for higher bonuses (Hernandez 2008). This therefore acts as boost to the company and managers as well since the company will have a higher returns and the manager will be given a huge bonus in that fiscal year in which the company attained its target. Nevertheless, this is not the case for shareholders since they deem that short-term cash pay ware doubled and thus the amount as bonuses to executives were higher as compared to long-term performance pay, which was quite low demanding than for other senior executive in the company (Freedman 2008). This therefore implied that shareholders’ deem that the directors will not be acting g at the best interest of the shareholders in maximizing their wealth since; higher income to the company implies higher bonuses to the manager, which is contradicting the firm’s value maximization role of the manager (Charles T 2007). Question five Reasons for shareholders vote against report with too high short-term cash over-long-term equity bonuses Sometimes, shareholders can vote against short-term incentives where the managers do not define clearly the purpose of the incentive (Charles M Kahn 2001). In this case, managers will be entitled to bonuses since the company’s board believes that by not having managers, would make them mutually respectful or at times, the company does not explain to shareholders’ why they are setting the target (Canice 2007). The shareholders therefore will misunderstand what the company is trying to accomplish and the incentives it is employing to managers to accomplish the same target (Briggs 2009). This will hence lead to shareholders voting against the short-term incentives since in their mind, they believe that executives are not performing their duties with best interest to maximize firm’s value, but to benefit themselves. Conflict of interest would arise between the company’s shareholders and the managers in relation to pay and performance (Galbraith 2008). Managers would prefer short-term incentives such as cash since good performance would mean higher returns to executives but shareholders of the company will vote against this alternative since they consider that executives will not supervise the corporation with the main motives of shareholders wealth maximization rather than to benefit themselves. In conclusion, executive’s payment as experienced a lot of contemplation in the recent years and alarm as occurred on the manner in which administrator are compensated and not how much they are compensated. Shareholders of the companies believe that the connection amid pay and performance is not mutually exclusive; they believe this links is fragile, and as a result, the connection needs supplementary thought. Shareholders therefore deem that the necessary incentives available to managers for good performance are to issue them with bonus option by way of shares in the company’s stock. This is because, depositors believe that by giving managers additional shares in the corporation, will make them guarantee that the key target of the business is value maximizations because collapse of a business will make all shareholders incur loss. References Briggs, Xavier. "Social Capital and the Cities: Advice to Change Agents." National Civic Review 86 (2009): 111-118. Canice, Pendergast. "The Provision of Incentives in Firms." Journal of Economic Literature , 2007: 37-43. Charles M Kahn, Emilson C D Silva and James P Ziliak. "Performance-Based Wages in Tax Collection: The Brazilian Tax Collection Reform and Its E." Economic Journal, 2001: 188-205. Charles T. "Accounting for Enron: shareholder value and stakeholder interests." 598–612. Corporate Governance, 2007. Freedman, M. "Social Disclosure and the Individual Investor on company's performances." Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 2008: 94-109. Galbraith, Jay. "Designing Matrix for Organizational shareholders to managers performnces design for success." 2008. John Wiley’s and sons. Hernandez, M. "Stewardship Behavior in Organizations acheivement Model." Journal of Business Ethics, 2008: 121-128. Paul M, C. Techniques introduced to make management remuneration incentives more relevant to modern performances. Cengage Learning, 2009. Stanley Morris, Gully. "Organizational Behavior: Tools for Success." 482. Cengage Learning, 2009. William R. "The Divided Society and the Democratic Ideal of Managers acheivement." 212-214. 2009. Read More
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