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Successful Career in an Non-Governmental Organization - Essay Example

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The author of the paper states that he would want to associate himself with an NGO so that he can learn as much as possible, it would be great to learn how an NGO functions and it would help him greatly in the future. The author's career would witness growth and stability once he learns the basics…
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Successful Career in an Non-Governmental Organization
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The basics of MIS are extremely important to learn for me, the management information system is a very fascinating thing and almost every big organization makes use of this wonderful system. It would be amazing if I could learn all about MIS and how it works. This will enhance my skill set and make me a better individual. Finding a suitable job takes a lot of research and commitment, a job is really easy to get but the difficult part is to find a suitable job. Facebook is a great platform to look for jobs, more and more organizations have started recruiting through Facebook and it is also an ideal platform for recruiting people.

One can get to know everything about the industry by using Facebook, being updated is extremely important these days and Facebook presents an ideal opportunity for both job searching and being updated.

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