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Interaction Devices - Essay Example

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Touch screen devices are resilient and offer a user friendly experience to persons of different skill levels and age groups. Touch screens are slowly replacing keyboards and mice as…
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Interaction Devices
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Interaction Devices: Touch Screen Devices Touch screen devices are continuing to grow in popularity compared to their keypad counterparts. Touch screen devices are resilient and offer a user friendly experience to persons of different skill levels and age groups. Touch screens are slowly replacing keyboards and mice as input devices.Touch screen devices are associated with numerous advantages over other input devices at the workplace. The devices are more intuitive, save space, and are faster that other pointing devices in terms of response as noted by Xiangshi (2000).

They are also advantageous in that they are more durable compared to keypads and mice especially in high usage environments. Generally, touch screens offer more comfort to users than other input devices. In relation to this, people who are impaired and find keyboards and mice difficult to use will find touch screen devices easier to use. They are also easier to clean and maintain. In spite of their numerous advantages, touch screen devices are not without disadvantages. They may cause fatigue to users especially when installed for use in such places as demand straining or near extreme stretching of arms (Xiangshi, 2000).

They may also be subject to obscurity after several episodes of touch. With the development of technology, more input devices are bound to be used in the future. While the keyboard, mouse and touch screen are used today, their use may be short lived. In ten years to come, computer input devices under use will probably use head tracking devices, hand tracking devices, laser keyboards, projected mice, and full body motion tracking devices as noted by Moeller (2010). ReferencesMoeller C. (2010).

TrendGeist – Future Trends. Forecasting. Trendspotting. Retrieved October 30, 2013, from Xiangshi R. (2000). Selection performance of touch screen systems. Retrieved October 30, 2013, from

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