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Past and Current Trends in Human Services - Essay Example

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The writer of this paper highlights that Human Services is a field whose main goal is fulfilling the desires of the people through interdisciplinary knowledge. The focus of Human Services lies on problem remediation and solution. …
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Past and Current Trends in Human Services
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Key among them include Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices and Integrated Health Care (the State of Michigan, 2012). Best Practice entails a certain degree of agreement on research-based knowledge and a consultative process of using this knowledge in health care delivery. On the other hand, Evidence-Based Practice involves the application of the best-known research evidence when making healthcare-based decisions. Healthcare practitioners use patient preferences and clinical expertise alongside research evidence to provide quality health care (Lippincott, 2007).

Integrated Health Care entails the control and delivery of health care services with a combination of curative and preventive services. In this instance, the patients receive care based on their needs over time and across various stages of the health system. The intended outcomes of the trends in Human Services are to ensure the effective delivery of human health services. For instance, EBP requires the researcher, client, and practitioner to work together to identify circumstances that benefit all parties involved.

The approach provides surety that services and treatments, when offered as intended, will produce the most effective outcomes backed up by research. Such trends should be widely disseminated to benefit the greatest number of people. However, some of the unintended consequences are related to the costs incurred in the process. While it is expensive to get quality health care, it is mandatory also to save a life. With the changing trends in the Human Services, networking is essential for all the stakeholders involved.

Networking among organizations at state, national and regional levels is essential in building resilience among Human Services providers and also to enable them cope with the fast-changing environment. Networking also provides a forum for information sharing among the various stakeholders. Such networks lead to an improved service delivery in the Human Service sector.

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(Past and Current Trends in Human Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 418 words, n.d.)
Past and Current Trends in Human Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 418 words. Retrieved from
(Past and Current Trends in Human Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 418 Words)
Past and Current Trends in Human Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 418 Words.
“Past and Current Trends in Human Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 418 Words”, n.d.
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