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Analyses of Unforgiven, Conan the Barbarian - Essay Example

The paper "Analyses of Unforgiven, Conan the Barbarian" highlights that the film became popular among most views due to its interesting nature. It is also important to note that the film became popular with people of different age brackets due to its theme which was well portrayed…
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Name Tutor Course Date History: Analysis of Films 1. Unforgiven Summary of the plot Unforgiven is a movie about revenge in which several people were killed. It revolves around a former gunfighter known as Munny. He is brought into the scene by another gunfighter called Kid. This is after a group of prostitutes offers a reward for anyone who kills two men who were involved in the disfiguring of their two colleagues. The two men are Quick Mike and Bunting. Although Munny was no longer interested in killing despite his past life of being a murderer, he accepts the offer. This is due to the difficulties that he faces as a farmer after abandoning his past life. The reward would thus help his solve some of his family problems as he is also a widower with two children. He thus involves a friend called Logan who was also a former gunfighter. However the sheriff of the town who is called Bill is concerned about crime and has banned the use of weapons in his town. He learns about the reward and catches up with another gunfighter also seeking the reward. To discourage the people from engaging in the crime, he chases the gunfighter who is called Bob out of the town. The threes gunfighter however arrive in town ready to pursue their mission. Although they are caught by Bill, they decide to continue with their mission. Eventually they catch up with the two murderers and kill them. However Logan who had been left behind is arrested by the sheriff and tortured to death by deputies of the sheriff. This force Munny to head back to the town and seeks revenge. He ends up killing the sheriff and warns the people of the town that should they kill another prostitute or not giving a decent burial to Logan, he will be back for revenge. Discussion The movie was god and it was well received by most of the viewers. This is due to how the movie was able to highlight its theme. Although the fats in the movies were exaggerated, it played an important role in highlighting the problems faced by the prostitutes. The violation of their rights is quite common in the society. Although their actions cannot be endorsed, violation of their human rights cannot be accepted. On the other hand, it also highlighted the inefficiency that is sometimes evident in the police force. Although the sheriff had good intentions of riding the town of crime, he lacked the full commitment. This is due to the brutality displayed by his deputies. The movie was thus instrumental in displaying the ills faced in the society. Although the movie was about revenge and the two men were killed which is also murder, the movie had other ideas. It does not entirely approve of the use of violence and murder in the society. The use of murder in the movie was a means of trying to show how the inefficiency in the police force in handling crime can result into more crime. The actions in the film were well coordinated and hence improving the quality of the movie. Most of the actions were also interesting and hence attracting the viewers to the movie. It is for this reason that the movie received a good reception. The movie was good and it received a good reception in most parts of the world. When the movie was released, it was highly rated by most of the viewers. It received a rating of 97% from the viewers and hence an indication that the movie was good and it was appealing to most of the viewers. On the other hand, the movie was able to win several awards after its release. The movie was able to win four of the most prestigious academy awards after its release. The awards include the best picture, best actor in supporting role, best film editing and best director (Kamir, 201). Winning of the awards also proved to be a factor that promoted the movie. It thus received a wide audience allover the world. In 2008, the movie was ranked as the fourth best movie in western genre. It was also ranked among the best one hundred movies in eighty years. The wining of all these awards is an indication that the movie was good and it attracted the attention of most people and also most of the viewers and the movie makers in the film industry. It also led top the rise of most of the actors who featured in the film. The film is still popular to date although it was produced decades ago. It is difficult for most of the movies of the previous generations to win the support of the current generation and hence an indication that the movie is good. On the other hand, the movie also received a lot of public support. Although there some critics of the movie, most of the critics later admitted that the movie was good and it deserved the awards that it won. 2. Conan the Barbarian Summary of the plot The movie is about the sword and sorcery magic and it was released in 1982. It is about a young boy who was captured by Doom who was a malicious leader and relied on sorcery. This is after his father and mother were killed by the warriors of Doom who were powerful and oppressive at the time. The sword that belonged to his father was also taken by doom. He was also captured and subjected to slavery where he was chained to a grind mill which was tied to a grind stone. Through this work, he developed muscles and hence his strength. He was later freed but chased by dogs where he had to hide in a tomb. It is at this place that he finds a sword with a corpse. He takes away the sword and it becomes his. Later during his wondering he meets a witch who turns in to a demon after having sex in exchange for information with him. After meting an archer called a Subotai who was also a thief, they decided to go a mission to find Doom. This was for the purpose of avenging for the death of his parents as well as the members of his community. Later during their mission they meet a girl called Valerie and they end up stealing jewel from Doom. However, they end up being captured in the city after getting drunk when celebrating their achievement. They are taken to king Oscric who seeks their help in terms of bringing up his daughter who was the princess and had joined the cult of Doom. Conan accepts the offer after being inspired by the hatred for Doom. He disguises himself as a priest and visits the temple of Doom but he is discovered and captured. This led to his crucifixion but is saved by Sabotai and Valerie at a verge of death. Valerie is later killed during the confrontation with Doom’s soldiers. With the help of a wizard, Conan and Subotai manage to defeat the solders and eventually recover his father’s sword. He later saves the princess and kills Doom. In the end he takes over the throne and becomes the king. Discussion The theme of the film revolved around weaponry and steel and it was well displayed in the film. The film received a lot of support from the members of the public and the people in the film industry. The film was able to display that the weapon is not the important item in combat. The most import thing during war is the fighting spirit of the solders and not the efficiency of their weapon. This is because Conan was able to recover the sword of his father who had placed a lot of emphasis on the efficiency of steel. However, the sword was later broken and Conan realized that the trust in the weapon could not guarantee victory in the war. It is the fighting spirit of Conan that enabled him to him to defeat Doom and avenge for the death of his parents and the members of his community. The scenes in the film also revolved around sorcery and it was also considered as a tool and weapon. However, the film proved that the fighting spirit is important in winning the war. The film also portrayed an important aspect of culture although it was fictional. It reveals the beliefs of the ancient people in regard to leadership and war. This played an important role in making the film interesting. The music theme of the song was also interesting and hence improving the quality of the film. It was also successful in displaying how the poor and the oppressed can rise to glory through perseverance and hard work. The film also became popular among most of the views due to its interesting nature. It is also important to note that the film became popular to the people of different age brackets due to its theme which was well portrayed. On the other hand, the film was moving and hence attracting most of the views. This also contributed to the praise that the film won in terms attracting the viewers. Although the film received some criticism, it won the support of many. The critics of the film based their argument on the religious issues that were highlighted like the crucifixion of Conan. The other issues that led to critics was the displaying of women as loose and whores. However this was from a small section of the media. The film was also nominated as one of the best in the last one hundred years (Klossner, 21). It continues to be popular to date as an adventure film. On the other hand, the film was also nominated as one of the top ten films in the fantasy category. Although the film did not win any academy award, it was popular with the members of the public and other viewers. Works Cited Kamir, Orit. "Honor and dignity in the film Unforgiven: Implications for sociolegal theory." Law & society review 40.1 (2006): 193-234. Klossner, Michael. Prehistoric humans in film and television: 581 dramas, comedies, and documentaries, 1905-2004. McFarland & Company, 2006. Read More

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