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American History - Final - Essay Example

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Impact of Terrorism and War on America Introduction United States of America has been attacked severally by opposing forces and terrorist forces from the time of its inception. The nation has even experienced wars that were civilian in nature…
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American History - Final
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This paper will focus on the importance of the stated events and how these events changed the shape of the American society. Body The attack on Pearl Harbor On the day of 7th December 1941, the Pearl Harbor which happened to be an American port was heavily bombarded by Japanese forces (Kennedy 65). The attack on the American port of Pearl Harbor was a huge set back for the American population but it let to significant changes to the society of America. Firstly, Pearl Harbor did not guarantee Japanese a success during the future war.

The war even had long term impacts on the society of America, these attacks assisted America in joining hands with the Pacific area of the world and the European nations and these two portions of the world ended up being allies of America. The main positive impact of the attack of Pearl Harbor was the expansion of the military forces of US and mobilization of American individuals within the military ranks even increased. Before the attack, US and the citizens of US were not in favor of war and believed that peace can be maintained and achieved without war.

After the attack, anti war sentiments were diminished and the population of US stood behind the government during the war. Another issue that occurred due to this attack was anti-Japanese sentiments among the people of US. They started viewing Japanese population of America as terrorists and attackers. Incident of 9/11 On the day of September 11, 2001, a two American plane was hijacked by terrorists of the group of Al-Qaeda and this hijacked plane was crashed in the World Trade Center which was located in the city of New York.

Another plane was hijacked by the same terrorist group which crashed into the Pentagon and the fourth hijacked plane was crashed into the grounds located in the region of Shanksville. These attacks led to heavy losses of human lives in US, people from different ethnic background and different cultures experienced death. These individuals even included those who are regarded as American Arabs. But the responsibility of the attacks was only levied on the American Arabs. This day even marked the starting point and the underlining reason of war on terror due to which US decided to launch an attack over Afghanistan.

These attacks made the American citizens realize that if they want to enjoy freedom to live, and pursue happiness then they will have to fight for it. These attacks have altered and impacted United States of America and the rest of the world. These attacks had major economic impacts on United States, right after the day of attacks, the stock exchange market in New York remained closed for public trading for six days and the day it opened, the stock exchange experienced a loss. The main impact was experienced by the hospitality industry of New York.

The industry experienced heavy job losses as New York no longer seemed to be a secure place to visit for tourists. Even people living in New York shifted to other areas for security. The crash of Twin towers polluted the area of lower Manhattan and people who were located quite near to the Twin Towers experienced health issues. Due to the attacks, the American government as well as governments throughout the world accepted that the world is going to experience a great deal of threat at the hands of the terrorists and decided to counter terrorism.

These attacks even

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