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Debate on Healthcare - Assignment Example

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The paper "Debate on Healthcare" discusses whether preference for healthcare should be only given to urban populations with limited access to healthy groceries. It is the author's belief that preference for health care should be given to this group of urban populace…
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Debate on Healthcare
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This makes them prone to disease due to low air quality. Thirdly, a high percentage of this group of urban dwellers lacks health insurance and needs close healthcare attention (Smith, 1997). People in urban areas with limited access to healthy groceries are also forced to eat whatever they find and most of them are harmful to humans. This includes oily foods like french fries and fried meat. However, it is vital to note that people in rural areas are also extremely vulnerable to disease, and preference for health care should also be accorded to them.

This is because people in rural areas have significantly poorer health status than urban dwellers. This is because people in rural areas engage in unhealthy practices such as smoking, and less exercise. Secondly, people in rural areas are less educated than those in urban areas and tend not to comprehend the importance of health care in elongating their lives. Lastly, people in rural areas have limited access to health care and must travel long distances to acquire medical care. They can die or their conditions worsen before they gain adequate medical care (Bauer, 2011).

In conclusion, I believe that due to the high pollution in urban areas, dwellers tend to be prone to disease and require preference health care. Furthermore, urban dwellers with limited access to healthy groceries lack the nutrients and vitamins in their bodies needed to fight off disease.

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