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Ceftriaxone Antibiotic - Essay Example

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The paper "Ceftriaxone Antibiotic" states that generally speaking, ceftriaxone belongs to the family of antibiotics known as cephalosporins. It is used to prevent or treat certain infections caused by bacteria infections in many different parts of the body…
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Ceftriaxone Antibiotic
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Tetanus is a serious illness that causes convulsions and severe muscle spasms that can be strong enough to cause bone fractures of the spine. (Mayo Clinic)

In response to the second question, granulocytosisis a condition that occurs when there are too many granulocytes in the blood. Granulocytes form and mature in the bone marrow and their role is to attack foreign matter causing inflammation or infection. An increase in granulocytes occurs in response to infections, blood cell malignancies, and some autoimmune diseases. One main cause of granulocytosis is bone marrow disorders. A high white blood cell count is usually an indicator of infection or disease. Granulocytosis is one type of high white blood cell count. (April Kahn)

I think the most likely cause for the man’s illness and death was a condition called encephalitis. On the morning of June 4, the patient had symptoms of confusion, disorientation, and lack of reflexes. Some of these symptoms indicate not severe encephalitis while others indicate severe and emergency encephalitis. However, it is worth noting that the patient’s neck was supple. In most cases of encephalitis, there is stiffness of the neck and the back in adults and stiffness of the whole body in babies. (Aksamit) Only occasionally does it happen that the neck and the back are supple such as in this case. Encephalitis which is an infection of the brain might have caused infections in the cerebrospinal system. These infections then might have subsequently caused infection of the bone marrow so causing it to produce more granulocytes and hence the earlier diagnosis of Granulocytosis as well as elevated protein levels prior to his death. Another symptom, in this case, was the increased abnormal activity which was another clear indication. (New York Times)

 A serology test and brain biopsy could be used to confirm encephalitis. Serology is a blood test to detect the presence of antibodies against a microorganism. Brain Biopsy involves surgical removal of brain tissue for testing for the presence of the virus. The above-mentioned tests will seek to find the presence of antibodies in the blood which would be the extra information required to confirm encephalitis.

The man could have been treated for encephalitis by providing supportive care (rest, nutrition, fluids) to help the body fight the infection and to relieve symptoms. Administering medications such as antiviral medications to treat herpes encephalitis or other severe viral infections (however, no specific antiviral drugs are available to fight encephalitis), antibiotics, acetaminophen, anti-seizure medications and steroids (New York Times)

I think the platelet recipient should have been given anti-viral medication to treat any infections, steroid injections and immune-suppressants to stop the immune system from attacking healthy tissues in the body.

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