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Diet and Nutrition for Health and social Care - Article Example

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This paper will speak about proper diet and nutrition which is essential for a healthy life. A good and balanced food reduces the risk of diseases, especially the lifestyle diseases of the present time and helps lead a healthy life…
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Diet and Nutrition for Health and social Care
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This paper approves that looking at the serious implications of the present day life and the growing menace of the diseases, the state has come with special programs of staple diet and nutrition that encourage better food habits and physical activities that promote health and well being of the masses. The government health agencies and health advisers are, now a days’ campaigning for generating awareness among the parents, carers and early year practitioners to disseminate information regarding diet and nutrition at early stage to offset healthiest start of life.

The mothers are encouraged to breastfeed their newly born children for a longer period so that the infants develop good resistant power and are better able to cope up with the fast changing environmental equations, in later years of their life. This essay makes a conclusion that the health and social care bill was recently introduced in the parliament on November 15, 2007 which has placed emphasis on prevention and early deduction of the emerging new trends in the modern day diseases and other infectious and sexually transmitted diseases that are increasingly threatening the public at large.

‘It is a wide ranging Bill but has a particular focus on the regulation of organizations and individuals involved in health and adult social care services’ (HOC library). The introduction of the bill in the parliament is a sincere declaration of the government to combat the growing influence of the emerging new lifestyles of the youth which promotes consumption of junk food and lack of physical activities thereby leading to serious health problems. . health and social care bill was recently introduced in the parliament on November 15, 2007 which has placed emphasis on prevention and early deduction of the emerging new trends in the modern day diseases and other infectious and sexually transmitted diseases that are increasingly threatening the public at large.

'It is a wide ranging Bill but has a particular focus on the regulation of organizations and individuals involved in health and adult social care services' (HOC1 library). The introduction of the bill in the parliament is a sincere declaration of the government to combat the growing influence of the emerging new lifestyles of the youth which promotes consumption of junk food and lack of physical activities thereby leading to serious health problems. ReferenceHouse of Commons. (2007).Health and Social Care Bill.

2 January 2008 .British Nutrition Foundation. Physical Activity and Health. 2 January 2008 .

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