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Ethical Dilemma - Assignment Example

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In this scenario, the ethical situation is that Frank Santino has to balance his responsibilities as a close friend of Jose with his responsibilities as an accounting manager at a Ford and Toyota dealership. The ethical issues involved largely deal with privacy issues for…
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Ethical Dilemma
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PROF Ethical Dilemma In this scenario, the ethical situation is that Frank Santino has to balance his responsibilities as a close friend of Jose with his responsibilities as an accounting manager at a Ford and Toyota dealership. The ethical issues involved largely deal with privacy issues for Johnson, who is expecting to have his financial difficulties with one particular company kept private, and who presumably has been promised that. If I were in Franks place, I would first consider what code of ethics the Ford and Toyota dealership had in place, if any.

It may be that keeping client information about debt confidential is required. Personally, I would feel very conflicted about telling Jose about Johnsons debt for work reasons, but I would also feel very conflicted about not telling him, since he is a close friend.The principle elements in this situation are Johnsons apparently poor credit, Franks relationship with Jose, and Franks employment. The stakeholders are Johnson, Jose, Frank, and also the Ford and Toyota dealership Frank works for.

Johnson would obviously be harmed by having his private financial information shared, as he would not get the land he wants and maybe needs to buy. Jose, on the other hand, may be harmed if Frank does not tell him about Johnsons credit history, as he may lose out on money owed. Less obviously, the dealership Frank works for might lose credibility with its customers, or even get sued, if Frank shared confidential customer information.There are several alternatives. One would be to tell Jose about Johnsons credit history.

However, this would likely be unethical, since how Frank learned that is confidential. Another would be to keep quiet, but this, while more ethical, would probably be unsatisfying, and Jose might get angry later. A good middle ground solution, which would still be ethical, would be to recommend Jose general advice on what steps are good to take when selling land to somebody. Frank might even recommend a neutral third party, who he knows will be fair to both parties, and will not have any conflicts of interest.

This would allow him to still give good advice to his friend without violating the privacy rights of Johnson.

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