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Climate Change Controversies - Essay Example

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The essay "Climate Change Controversies" focuses on the criticla analysis of the major issues in the controversies of climate change. Climate change is the most controversial topic in the twenty-first century. Approximately all the people across the world have felt the impact of climate change…
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Climate Change Controversies
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The population is vulnerable to catastrophes such as floods or heat waves resulting from climate change.

On the other hand, the impact of climate change is not always uniform globally due to the difference in exposure and adaptive capacities. The effects of climate change can become worst if other issues such as poverty, the aging population, and pollution are combined. The effect on developing and poor countries by the change of climate is huge. This could also extend to advanced economies like the U.S. because they have a connection with developing countries. Developed countries have an economic connection such as trade, investments, migration, travel, and tourism with developing.

The effects of climate change on New York City could be felt soon if measures are not taken to curb the changing climate. According to Lallanilla (2013), the city could soon witness huge rainstorms, floods, and heat waves. This could have huge impacts on the New York population and more on vulnerable persons such as children, the elderly, and disabled people. The results of climate change have previously been felt in New York. Hurricane Sandy caused serious destruction on October 2012; the transport system was halted because of hurricane sandy.

The recent march in New York shows that the population in New York and around the world are feeling the effects of climate change. This is evidenced by the huge number of demonstrators who turned up in New York to urge world leaders to find measures of curbing climate change.

A solution to climate change can only be reached by identifying the cause. For example, research reveals that the emission of greenhouse gases is the cause of climate change. Emission results from the burning of fossil fuel and coal. The solution is to adopt measures such as the use of renewable energy like wind power and solar energy.

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