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Fight Club by Chuck Palahnuik - Essay Example

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The paper "Fight Club by Chuck Palahnuik" states that based on the struggling daily life office worker who is desperate to change his life one way or the other by earning some money but ends up meeting someone, founding an underground fight club, and actually changing his life and life’s goals…
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Fight Club by Chuck Palahnuik
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The characters are, the daily life office worker Tyler Durden Played by Brad Pitt, and the Narrator played by Edward Norton. He travels for work all over the country and on one of these trips he meets Pitt’s character Tyler Durden. The difference between these two characters is very drastic. Norton’s character is very materialistic and very careful in everything he does. Going through the motions and not connecting with anyone or anything. He suffers from insomnia and he can’t get sleeping pills from his doctor. He starts visiting support groups for people with different terminal illnesses and support groups for people surviving things like cancer.

For some time it seems that the emotional release he achieves at these meetings where he pretends to be a different person at each one is helping, but then he meets Marla Singer (Helena Bonham Carter). Marla, very much like Tyler attends different support group meetings feigning different problems. The characters in the movie very much display the lives of a common man, the problems they face in their life, the social, and psychological issues faced by them, and the financial problems they have. These issues make them so vulnerable and desperate that they are out to do anything just to get rid of these and improve their life.

Norton’s character continues on business trips and one night when he comes back from one of these trips he finds that his apartment was destroyed in an explosion. This event leads to our Narrator calling up Tyler Durden. He meets up with Durden at a bar and he asks Tyler if he can stay with him. Tyler agrees on one condition. He asks the Narrator to hit him as hard as he can. The two get into a fight outside the bar and that is where the first inklings of the fight club are born. The Narrator moves into Durden’s house which is a dilapidated house in an old business district.

The setting, the two moved in now, and start a fight club during that time. At the same time, Tyler ends up saving Marla from an overdose and getting into a sort of complicated relationship with her but forbids the Narrator to talk to her. All across the country, more fight clubs begin popping up all started by Tyler. Read More
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