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What Matters to You - Personal Statement Example

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The personal statement "What Matters to You" presents the author's ideas. It says: By personal experience, dark and gloomy weather is not merely symbolic of tough and excruciating times for even literally, it suitably enables a behavior of diligence toward studies. …
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What Matters to You
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I believe that with the competency-based program of the university’s School of Engineering, I would be greatly opportune to acquire high standards of technical knowledge and skills. Besides extensive training in competitive areas of mathematics and sciences that are both of ample significance to the field of Engineering, I look forward to becoming a well-rounded individual who even learns beyond the apparent necessities of the major course. Hence, though I desire to excel academically at the University of Illinois, I wish to develop further interests in non-Engineering related subjects so I can gain an advantage in dealing with later endeavors on managing a business.

It is my fervent hope to be more passionate about the psychological task of integrating the areas of Liberal Arts and Humanities with the practical concepts of Electrical Engineering in pursuit of successful entrepreneurship one day. Upon admission to the University of Illinois, I am confident that I would be able to obtain access to the most up-to-date scholastic resources in support of my interdisciplinary goal. In the process, I expect to generate scientific attitude and traits as well to yield the potential of sincerely reflecting on Engineering principles and strengthening a character refined with exercising academic and ethical values altogether.

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What Matters to You Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 305 Words.
“What Matters to You Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 305 Words”, n.d.
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