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Operations and supply chain management - Research Paper Example

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Operations and Supply Chain Management INTRODUCTION The entire concept of Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSM) revolves around the word efficiency. OSM significantly aims at ensuring faster, better and cheaper work procedure which in turn enables an organization operating in any sector to enhance its overall effectiveness…
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In a bank, personnel use systems and computers to manage the flow of money among the respective accounts along with providing customers efficient service through statements and further banking facilities. No matter what the operations are, decisions have to be taken to set up work schedules for the employees, improve & maintain quality, forecast demand for the products along with services, ascertain adequate inventory and maintain transport activities & store materials (Pamplin College of Business, “Course Descriptions”).

The efficient operations and supply chain management of the United States (US) has initiated the ultimate revolution and transformation in the area of trade and commerce in the US. In this regard, Public Broadcasting Service series America Revealed has drawn certain ideal examples of a few of the US companies with efficient OSM. This study deals with a few of these examples which illustrate three most significant concepts or ideas concerning efficient OSM. The 21st century is an era of continuous change and ruthless competition.

Till the year 2013, the US has shown the globe its power of efficiency by touching certain historical milestones in the business of silicon chips, arms, logistics and fastest cars (Lion Television, “Episode 4: Made in the USA”). . Their operations mostly are concerned with the rolls and rolls of paper apart from exporting flat screen television and certain other items. The main concept in this regard is the idea incorporated by the authority of importing low cost raw materials of paper from the land of China and exporting them to rest of the world.

Georgia Ports Authority is a strategic partnership with Resolute Forest Products, formerly known as Abitibi Bowater Inc., which is a pulp and paper manufacturer headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Ships of Georgia Ports Authority are filled with the large paper containers along with being filled with televisions and computers (Lion Television, “Episode 4: Made in the USA”). It is generally known that paper is generated by low value raw materials. Georgia Ports Authority’s unique strategy to process them to finished goods along with exporting them to the rest of the globe as well as the relentless 24*7 operations can be stated as among the most significant concepts in the area of OSM.

CONCEPT/IDEA/REVELEATION 2 Second most significant idea or concepts of OSM has been introduced by one of the auto manufacturing leader Volkswagen. It has been creating high value manufactured offerings through its game based training programs. Its billion dollar projects and state-of-the-art facility have made them one of the finest leaders in the US. It produces 12 million cars a year. It also needs to assemble 20,000 mechanical parts a day. This requires huge assistance of highly technical, efficient and skilled manpower.

In this regard, it has created a factory based revolution by introducing robot into its manufacturing operations. Time is one of the most important components in the operations sector. By

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